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Re: [aspectj-users] AspectJ and obfuscator

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Ted I am probably missing something but:
- - usually the obfuscator just change some namings here and there and this has no impact on runtime
- - advanced features include (after the initial renaming strategy) some method overloading, and this
has no impact on runtime.

Last, but not least, take a look at IntelliJ IDEA or a smaller one Jalopy. Try to break down that
bytecode, and I can assure you will spend more time than you imagine. It's like in a "thief" theory:
don't try to creat unlockable locks as you will attract 'em, but don't let the door open".

- --
:alex |.::the_mindstorm::.|

[quote Ted Neward::on 2/6/2005 12:27 PM]
| BTW, just so you know, obfuscation can often confuse the hell out of the JIT
| compiler (if there is one) and can slow down execution (even if there isn't
| a JIT compiler), since it tends to do some strange things with bytecode in
| order to make it less readable (and, by extension, less easily executed).
| I've heard, anecdotally, of slowdowns of up to 33% due to obfuscation.
| As a general rule, if you put code on my machine, I can reverse it
| regardless of what kinds of protection you put on it. (If all else fails, I
| can slap a debugger on the running process and watch it that way.) You might
| want to seriously reconsider the obfuscation step entirely.
| Ted Neward
| Author, Instructor, Consultant
| Java, .NET, Web services
|> -----Original Message-----
|> From: aspectj-users-admin@xxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:aspectj-users-
|> admin@xxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Sebastian Berger
|> Sent: Friday, February 04, 2005 10:01 AM
|> To: aspectj-users@xxxxxxxxxxx
|> Subject: [aspectj-users] AspectJ and obfuscator
|> Hi,
|> I really have some big problems with writing an ant build file for an
|> application using an AspectJ aspect. The application is a J2ME project and
|> that's why I need an abfuscator. I am using proguard as obfuscator and
|> since
|> 3 days I am now trying to write an ant file for building my project. Cause
|> I
|> am relative new to writing ant-files by myself, maybe the solution of the
|> problem is easy, but at the moment I don't see any way to solve my
|> problem...
|> So the problem is that I don't know which jars to include in the
|> obfuscation
|> process, cause when I try to start my application I always get an error
|> that
|> he cannon find class org/aspectj/lang/NoAspectBoundException. I tried
|> several things, like including aspectjtools.jar and aspectjrt.jar in the
|> obfuscation-process, but none has any positive results on building... I
|> only
|> get millions of warnings, when I do this. So here is my actual build-file
|> (I
|> am already using as compiler the ajc-compiler; as ant-task I am using
|> iajc):
|> build.xml:
|> ---------------
|> <project name="biginteger" default="dist" basedir="..">
|>   <property name="project" value="biginteger"/>
|>   <property name="WTK.dir"  value="C:\Programme\WTK21"/>
|>   <property name="MIDP.lib" value="${WTK.dir}\lib\midpapi20.jar"  />
|>   <property name="CLDC.lib" value="${WTK.dir}\lib\cldcapi11.jar" />
|>   <property name="jdk.home"     value="C:\java\j2sdk" />
|>   <property name="ajc.home"     value="C:\Programme\aspectj" />
|>   <!-- The following property is needed only for obufscate_proguard. -->
|>   <property name="proguard"
|> value="c:\Programme\proguard\lib\proguard.jar"/>
|>     <taskdef
|> resource="org/aspectj/tools/ant/taskdefs/">
|>     </taskdef>
|>   <path id="bootclasspath">
|>      <pathelement path="${MIDP.lib}"/>
|>      <pathelement path="${CLDC.lib}"/>
|>     </path>
|>   <!-- The following property is only needs for the "tools"
|>        and "jad" targets. -->
|>   <property name="ant" value="C:\Programme\apache_ant"/>
|>   <path id="ajc.classpath">
|>       <pathelement location="${ajc.home}/lib/aspectjrt.jar" />
|>       <pathelement location="${ajc.home}/lib/aspectjtools.jar" />
|>       <pathelement location="${ajc.home}/lib/aspectj-ant.jar" />
|>       <pathelement location="${jdk.home}/lib/tools.jar" />
|>   </path>
|>     <path id="app.classpath">
|>           <pathelement location="${CLDC.lib}" />
|>           <pathelement location="${MIDP.lib}" />
|>     </path>
|>     <path id="app.crypt">
|>           <pathelement location="../lib/" />
|>     </path>
|>   <property name="Aspect.lib" value="${ajc.home}/lib/aspectjrt.jar" />
|>   <!-- Runs the application in the emulator. -->
|>   <target name="run">
|>     <exec executable="${WTK.dir}/bin/emulator">
|>       <arg line="-classpath build/bin/${project}.jar"/>
|>       <arg line="-Xdescriptor build/bin/${project}.jad"/>
|>     </exec>
|>   </target>
|>   <!-- Adjusts the JAR size in the JAD. -->
|>   <target name="jad" depends="dist">
|>     <taskdef name="jad" classname="JarSizeFix"/>
|>     <jad jar="build/bin/${project}.jar" jad="build/bin/${project}.jad"/>
|>   </target>
|>   <!-- Packages the application -->
|>   <target name="dist" depends="preverify">
|>     <mkdir dir="build/bin"/>
|>     <jar basedir="build/preverified"
|>         jarfile="build/bin/${project}.jar"
|>         manifest="MANIFEST.MF">
|>     </jar>
|>     <copy file="${project}.jad"
|>         tofile="build/bin/${project}.jad"/>
|>   </target>
|>   <!--
|>     This target runs the preverifier on the class files.
|>     Change 'depends' attribute here to select obfuscation:
|>       obfuscate_proguard
|>       obfuscate_retroguard
|>       obfuscate_null
|>   -->
|>   <target name="preverify" depends="obfuscate_proguard">
|>     <mkdir dir="build/preverified"/>
|>     <exec executable="${WTK.dir}/bin/preverify">
|>       <arg line="-classpath ${MIDP.lib};${CLDC.lib}"/>
|>       <arg line="-d build/preverified"/>
|>       <arg line="build/obfuscated"/>
|>     </exec>
|>   </target>
|>   <!-- Obufscates using ProGuard. -->
|>   <target name="obfuscate_proguard" depends="compile, copylib">
|>     <mkdir dir="build/proguard"/>
|>     <jar basedir="build/classes"
|>         jarfile="build/proguard/${project}-input.jar"/>
|>     <java fork="yes" classname="proguard.ProGuard"
|>         classpath="${proguard}">
|>       <arg line="-libraryjars ${MIDP.lib};${CLDC.lib}"/>
|>       <arg line="-injars build/proguard/${project}-input.jar"/>
|>       <arg line="-outjar build/proguard/${project}-output.jar"/>
|>       <arg line="-keep 'public class * extends
|> javax.microedition.midlet.MIDlet'"/>
|>       <arg line="-defaultpackage"/>
|>       <arg line="-dontusemixedcaseclassnames"/>
|>     </java>
|>     <mkdir dir="build/obfuscated"/>
|>     <unjar src="build/proguard/${project}-output.jar"
|>         dest="build/obfuscated"/>
|>   </target>
|>   <!-- Unjars the library APIs in preparation for obfuscation. -->
|>   <target name="copylib" depends="init">
|>     <unjar src="lib/" dest="build/classes"/>
|>   </target>
|>   <!-- Compiles the source code. -->
|>   <target name="compile" depends="init">
|>     <mkdir dir="build/classes"/>
|>         <iajc destdir="build/classes">
|>             <sourceroots>
|>          <pathelement location="src"/>
|>      </sourceroots>
|>         <classpath>
|>           <path refid="ajc.classpath"/>
|>           <path refid="app.classpath"/>
|>           <path refid="app.crypt"/>
|>         </classpath>
|>  </iajc>
|>     </target>
|>   <!-- Builds the JarSizeFix Ant task and installs it
|>        in the Ant lib directory. -->
|>   <target name="tools">
|>     <mkdir dir="build/tools_classes"/>
|>     <javac destdir="build/tools_classes"
|>         srcdir="build/tools"
|>         target="1.1"/>
|>     <jar jarfile="${ant}/lib/wd-tools.jar">
|>       <fileset dir="build/tools_classes"/>
|>     </jar>
|>     <delete dir="build/tools_classes"/>
|>   </target>
|>   <target name="init">
|>     <tstamp/>
|>   </target>
|> </project>
|> -------------------------------------------------------
|> As result of starting this build.xml file with ant, I get the following
|> result:
|> -----------------------------
|> Buildfile: build.xml
|> init:
|> compile:
|>     [mkdir] Created dir: D:\Programmierung\studi\biginteger\build\classes
|> copylib:
|>     [unjar] Expanding:
|> D:\Programmierung\studi\biginteger\lib\ i
|> nto D:\Programmierung\studi\biginteger\build\classes
|> obfuscate_proguard:
|>     [mkdir] Created dir: D:\Programmierung\studi\biginteger\build\proguard
|>       [jar] Building jar:
|> D:\Programmierung\studi\biginteger\build\proguard\bigi
|> nteger-input.jar
|>      [java] ProGuard, version 3.2
|>      [java] Reading program jar [build/proguard/biginteger-input.jar]
|>      [java] Reading library jar [C:\Programme\WTK21\lib\midpapi20.jar]
|>      [java] Reading library jar [C:\Programme\WTK21\lib\cldcapi11.jar]
|>      [java] Preparing output jar [build/proguard/biginteger-output.jar]
|>      [java] Copying resources from program jar
|> [build/proguard/biginteger-input.
|> jar]
|>     [mkdir] Created dir:
|> D:\Programmierung\studi\biginteger\build\obfuscated
|>     [unjar] Expanding:
|> D:\Programmierung\studi\biginteger\build\proguard\biginte
|> ger-output.jar into D:\Programmierung\studi\biginteger\build\obfuscated
|> preverify:
|>     [mkdir] Created dir:
|> D:\Programmierung\studi\biginteger\build\preverified
|>      [exec] Error preverifying class c
|>      [exec]     VERIFIER ERROR c.b()Lc;:
|>      [exec] Cannot find class org/aspectj/lang/NoAspectBoundException
|>      [exec] Result: 1
|> dist:
|>       [jar] Building jar:
|> D:\Programmierung\studi\biginteger\build\bin\bigintege
|> r.jar
|> jad:
|>       [jad] MIDlet-Jar-Size: 30230
|> -----------------------------------------
|> So the j2me preverifier tells me that he couldn't find the class:
|> org/aspectj/lang/NoAspectBoundException
|> I really don't know how to solve the problem, so for any hints I would be
|> sooooo thankful and happy, cause I am really getting depressed with this.
|> Thanks in advance,
|> Sebastian
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|> aspectj-users mailing list
|> aspectj-users@xxxxxxxxxxx
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