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Re: [aspectj-users] Custom MessageHandler for static pointcuts

You're probably forking; there should be a log message saying
"message holder ignored when forking [...]", but perhaps Ant
has to be in verbose mode for you to see the log message. It's 
ignored when forking because it's implemented programmatically
from Ant rather than being supported on the -ajc command line
(which is what's forked).

The documentation for MessageHandlers is just the mention in
the iajc docs and the IMessageHandler source code.  See also
the code for AjcTask (iajc) and

Hope this helps; let us know if it's something else...


P.S. - If you must fork, you might consider taking the messages
in XML form from Ant and selecting your messages during the 
transform.  (I haven't done this myself, so I'm just speculating.)

> ------------Original Message------------
> From: "Charles Daniels" <cjd4@xxxxxxxxx>
> To: aspectj-users@xxxxxxxxxxx
> Date: Thu, Sep-23-2004 1:55 PM
> Subject: [aspectj-users] Custom MessageHandler for static pointcuts
> Hi All,
> I am attempting to implement my own MessageHandler for collecting 
> "policy
> violations" detected by static pointcuts (declare warning and declare
> error).  I want my handler to generate an XML report that I can then
> transform into an HTML report.  Unfortunately, when I run iajc, it
> completely ignores the handler implementation that I specify (no error
> message either).  I cannot find and documentation on the use of
> MessageHandlers.  Can anybody shed some light on this topic?
> Thanks,
> Chuck
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