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RE: [aspectj-users] A newbie writes

Title: A newbie writes
Hi all -

This is my first post to the list.

I'm just getting my head round AOP and have been making reasonably good progress so far (I'm using the AJDT plugin for Eclipse).

However, I can't seem to work out how to do a simple pointcut.

I want to be able to inspect the value of Strings whenever they are accessed.

I thought this would do it:

        pointcut fieldtest(String s) : target(s) && get(* *.*);

        before(String s) : fieldtest(s) {
                System.out.println("String value read: " + s);

But it's not being triggered. 

I can't find any examples in the documentation showing how to do this sort of thing.

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

  Your pointcut catches the access to instance and static variables of type string (not access to local variables (access to which is not possible to catch) nor to arguments). If this is what you intended, there's still a gotcha: the get(* *.*) catches the accesses that are in types visible to the aspect (either in the same package or imported). If you want your aspect to catch accesses in classes that are in different packages, try something like

pointcut fieldtest(String s) : target(s) && get(String com.mycompany..*.*);

  where you substitute com.mycompany with whatever base package your classes live in. Note the two dots after mycompany.

  Let me know if this helps.







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