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Re: [aspectj-users] javac ant task memory usage

Hello Wes,

> Typically when running under eclipse the iajc ant task should be
> forked to avoid the JDT classes in a parent loader (eclipse 2.x bug).
> When forking, increasing the memory available to Eclipse will decrease
> the memory available to iajc, causing OutOfMemory errors.

Did you mean "when not forking"? I don't understand it otherwise..
To be sure that we're talking about the same thing I'd like to underline
I meant javac ant task, not the iajc

> If running unforked in 3.x, I wonder if there's some leak when
> doing multiple compiles; is that your scenario?  A single compile
> shouldn't take much more memory than ajc itself.

Well, forking does the job. I added the following compilerarg tag
<javac ... >

<compilerarg line="-fork -Xmaxmem 400M"/>


and it works. Thank you for your advice. Can I do anything to help find
this bug?



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