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Re: [aspectj-users] Weird bytecode generated by AspectJ 1.2

That would be a bad bug.  If/since this is reproducible, please submit it as a bug report; that way it gets the fastest response from a developer.

Thanks -

> ------------Original Message------------
> From: Hristo Stoyanov <hr_stoyanov@xxxxxxxxx>
> To: aspectj-users@xxxxxxxxxxx
> Date: Wed, Jul-14-2004 11:57 PM
> Subject: [aspectj-users] Weird bytecode generated by AspectJ 1.2
> Hi all-,
> Can anyone explain why would AspectJ would generate
> bad bytecode, so the JVM would reject it:
> -----------------------------------------
>      [java] There was 1 error:
>      [java] 1)
> testWriteRead(exceedsoft.test.StoreJTSObjectsTestCase)java.lang.V
> erifyError: (class:
> org/garret/perst/aspectj/PersistenceAspect, method:
> <clinit>
>  signature: ()V) Stack size too large
>      [java]     at
> com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.Coordinate.<init>(Unknown
> Source)
>      [java]     at
> com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.Coordinate.<init>(Unknown
> Source)
> -----------------------------------------
> I get this after binary aspect weaving with AspectJ
> 1.2 and running J2SE 1.4.2_05 undex XP. See
> attachemnts for the problem (the attached JARS are not
> woven into)
> Thanks,
> Hristo
> __________________________________
> Do you Yahoo!?
> Yahoo! Mail - 50x more storage than other providers!
>  * Created on Jan 24, 2004
>  */
> package org.garret.perst.aspectj;
> /**
>  * Base interface for all classes automatically treated as persistent 
> capable.
>  * Programmer should either explicitly add this interface to all 
> classes which he want to be persistent
>  * capable or add this interface using AspectJ <code>declare 
> parents:</code> construction.
>  * This interface doesn't allow to access fields of external (non-this) 
> object,
>  * you should use getter/setter methods instead.
>  * If you want to provide access to external fields you should use 
> StrictAutoPersist interface.
>  * @author Patrick Morris-Suzuki
>  *
>  */
> public interface AutoPersist {
> }
> /*
>  * Created on Jan 24, 2004
>  *
>  * To change the template for this generated file go to
>  * Window&gt;Preferences&gt;Java&gt;Code Generation&gt;Code and 
> Comments
>  */
> package org.garret.perst.aspectj;
> /**
>  * @author Patrick Morris-Suzuki
>  *
>  */
> import org.garret.perst.*;
> privileged public aspect PersistenceAspect {
>     declare parents: AutoPersist extends IPersistent;
>     pointcut notPerstCode(): !within(org.garret.perst.*) && 
> !within(org.garret.perst.impl.*) && !within(org.garret.perst.aspectj.*);
>     pointcut persistentMethod(): 
>         execution(!static * ((Persistent+ && !Persistent) || 
> (AutoPersist+ && !(StrictAutoPersist+) && !AutoPersist)).*(..))
>         && !execution(void *.recursiveLoading());
>     /*
>      * Load object at the beginning of each instance mehtod of 
> persistent capable object
>      */         
>     before(IPersistent t) : persistentMethod() && this(t) {
>         t.load();
>     }
>     /*
>      * Read access to fields of persistent object
>      */ 
>     before(StrictAutoPersist t): get(!transient !static * 
> StrictAutoPersist+.*) && notPerstCode() && target(t)
>     {
>         t.load();
>     }
>     /*
>      * Read access to fields of persistent object
>      */ 
>     before(StrictAutoPersist t): set(!transient !static * 
> StrictAutoPersist+.*) && notPerstCode() && target(t) 
>     {
>         t.loadAndModify();
>     }
>     /*
>      * Automatically notice modifications to any fields.
>      */
>     before(AutoPersist t):  set(!transient !static * (AutoPersist+ && 
> !(StrictAutoPersist+)).*)
>         && notPerstCode() && !withincode(*.new(..)) && target(t)  
>     {
>         t.modify();
>     }
>     public void AutoPersist.assignOid(Storage s, int o, boolean r) {
>         oid = o;
>         storage = s;
>         state = r? RAW : 0;
>     }
>     boolean around(AutoPersist me, Object other):
>     execution(boolean AutoPersist+.equals(Object)) &&
>         args(other) && target(me){
>         if(other==null) return false;
>         boolean isEqual;
>         try{
>             isEqual=proceed(me, other);
>         } catch(ClassCastException excep){
>                         if(!other.getClass().equals(me.getClass()))
>                             return false;
>                         else
>                             throw excep;
>         }
>         if(!isEqual){
>             if(other!=null && other instanceof IPersistent){
>                 if(((IPersistent)other).getOid()==me.oid) isEqual=true;
>             }
>         }
>         return isEqual;
>     }
>     int around(AutoPersist me):
>     execution(int AutoPersist+.hashCode()) && target(me){
>         return me.oid;
>     }
>     public void AutoPersist.commit() {
>         if (storage !=null)
>             storage.commit();
>     }
>     public void AutoPersist.load() {
>         if (storage != null && (state & RAW) != 0) { 
>             storage.loadObject(this);
>         }
>     }
>     public void AutoPersist.loadAndModify() {
>         load();
>         modify();
>     }
>     public final boolean AutoPersist.isRaw() { 
>         return (state & RAW) != 0;
>     } 
>     public final boolean AutoPersist.isModified() { 
>         return (state & DIRTY) != 0;
>     } 
>     public final boolean AutoPersist.isPersistent() { 
>         return oid != 0;
>     }
>     public void AutoPersist.makePersistent(Storage storage) { 
>         if (oid == 0) { 
>             storage.storeObject(this);
>         }
>     }
>     public void {
>         if ((state & RAW) != 0) { 
>             throw new StorageError(StorageError.ACCESS_TO_STUB);
>         }
>         if (storage != null) { 
>             storage.storeObject(this);
>             state &= ~DIRTY;
>         }
>     }
>     public void AutoPersist.modify() { 
>         if ((state & DIRTY) == 0 && storage != null) { 
>             if ((state & RAW) != 0) { 
>                 throw new StorageError(StorageError.ACCESS_TO_STUB);
>             }
>             storage.modifyObject(this);
>             state |= DIRTY;
>         }
>     }
>     public final int AutoPersist.getOid() {
>         return oid;
>     }
>     public void AutoPersist.deallocate() { 
>         if (storage != null) { 
>             storage.deallocateObject(this);
>             state = 0;
>             storage = null;
>         }
>     }
>     public boolean AutoPersist.recursiveLoading() {
>         return false;
>     }
>     public final Storage AutoPersist.getStorage() {
>         return storage;
>     }
>     public void AutoPersist.onLoad() {
>     }
>     public void AutoPersist.invalidate() { 
>         state |= RAW;
>     }
>     public void AutoPersist.finalize() { 
>         if ((state & DIRTY) != 0 && storage != null) { 
>             storage.storeFinalizedObject(this);
>             state &= ~DIRTY;
>         }
>     }
>     public void AutoPersist.readExternal( s) throws 
>, ClassNotFoundException
>     {
>         oid = s.readInt();
>     }
>     public void AutoPersist.writeExternal( s) 
> throws
>     {
> 	s.writeInt(oid);
>     }
>     private transient Storage;
>     private transient int     AutoPersist.oid;
>     private transient int     AutoPersist.state;
>     private static final int RAW   = 1;
>     private static final int DIRTY = 2;
> }
> /*
>  * Created on Jan 25, 2004
>  *
>  * To change the template for this generated file go to
>  * Window&gt;Preferences&gt;Java&gt;Code Generation&gt;Code and 
> Comments
>  */
> package org.garret.perst.aspectj;
> /**
>  * @author Patrick Morris-Suzuki
>  *
>  */
> public aspect SafeHashAspect {
>         declare precedence: PersistenceAspect+, SafeHashAspect;
>         int around(SafeHashCode me):
>                         execution(int SafeHashCode+.hashCode()) && 
> target(me){
>                 return me.safeHashCode();
>         }
> }
> /*
>  * Created on Jan 25, 2004
>  *
>  * To change the template for this generated file go to
>  * Window&gt;Preferences&gt;Java&gt;Code Generation&gt;Code and 
> Comments
>  */
> package org.garret.perst.aspectj;
> /**
>  * @author Patrick Morris-Suzuki
>  *
>  */
> public interface SafeHashCode {
>         public int safeHashCode();
> }
> /*
>  * Created on Feb 08, 2004
>  */
> package org.garret.perst.aspectj;
> /**
>  * Base interface for all classes automatically treated as persistent 
> capable which needs
>  * to provide external access to their fields. Using this interface 
> will significantly decrease 
>  * efficiency of result code, because any access to instance fields of 
> this class (doesn't matter access 
>  * to self or foreign field) will be prepended by invocation of load() 
> method. As far as 
>  * OOP design rules recommend to made all fields private or protected 
> and access them only through methods, 
>  * I highly recommend you to avoid access to foreign fields and do not 
> use this code. 
>  * Access fields through getter methods will be in any case much 
> efficient.
>  */
> public interface StrictAutoPersist extends AutoPersist {
> }
> import org.garret.perst.*;
> import org.garret.perst.aspectj.*;
> import com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.*;
> privileged public aspect PerstGeometry
> {
>     declare parents: com.vividsolutions.jts.. implements AutoPersist;
>     declare parents: org.geotools..           implements AutoPersist;
> }

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