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Re: [aspectj-users] Trouble compiling java application with <iajc> task

Marshall -- 

I too was having a problem using the iajc task and Ant 1.6.1.

I never could get the <taskdef resource=....> to work correctly, so what I did was 
simply define the following:

<taskdef name="iajc" classname="">
   ... (included aspectjrt.jar as well as aspectjtools.jar)

Then the ant build script ran fine.

--- Marshall Meier <marshall_meier@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Hello All,
> My name is Marshall Meier. I currently support a medium-sized web application
> for a local municipality. I would like to introduce aspects to the application,
> beginning with logging.
> The application is built using Ant (version 1.6). Before introducing any
> aspects, I wanted to first build the application, as is, with the AspectJ
> compiler (1.2). In the Ant script I swapped out the 'javac' task for the 'iajc'
> task. Much to my chagrin Ant responded with several dozen compiler errors. Now,
> when I changed the 'iajc' task back to 'javac', it compiled and built fine. I
> am using the Sun JDK, 1.4.2_03.
> When compiling with iajc, most of the classes compiled fine. However with a few
> of them I would get:
> [iajc] [error] " error The import ClassB cannot be resolved."
> Where would import
> I'm confident my AspectJ installation works, as I have compiled and executed a
> few sample aspects I've written.
> Any ideas? Does AspectJ exhibit any different behavior than the Java compiler
> when it comes to imports? I spent a few hours "Googling" for help, but was
> unsuccessful. Below is the iajc task I used.
> <iajc srcdir="${compile.src.dir}"
>       destdir="${compile.classes.dir}" verbose="yes">
>       <classpath refid="${compile.classpath}" />
>       <classpath>
>           <pathelement location="${lib.dir}/aspectjrt.jar" />
>       </classpath>
>       <patternset refid="${compile.files}" />
> </iajc>
> Also, here's how I get access to the 'iajc' task in the Ant script
> <taskdef resource="org/aspectj/tools/ant/taskdefs/"> 
>         <classpath>
>               <pathelement location="jars/aspectjtools.jar" />
>         </classpath>
> </taskdef>
> - Marshall
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