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[aspectj-users] ANT and noweave


i dont know if this are bugs or simply documentation

i want to postpone weaving of aspects to a later point
in time. so what i do in in my ant task is this:
<iajc destdir="${}" Xnoweave="no" verbose="yes">

the first thing to noctice is one has to put a X in front of
noweave as it seems to be experimental. it would be good to
document that fact. i was banging my head for 3 hours over this.

now if i compile with this the following verbose output is

01 [iajc] zipfile classpath entry does not exist:
02 /usr/java/j2sdk1.4.2_03/jre/lib/i18n.jar
03 [iajc] directory classpath entry does not exist:
04 /usr/java/j2sdk1.4.2_03/jre/classes
05 [iajc] compiling
06 /home/data/payon/aspect/target/src/org/pragmatico/util/
07 [iajc] compiling /home/data/payon
08 /aspect/target/src/org/pragmatico/util/
09 [iajc] compiling /home/data/payon/aspect/
10 target/src/org/pragmatico/util/aspects/CloningAspect.aj
11 [iajc] compiling /home/data/payon/aspect/
12 target/src/org/pragmatico/util/aspects/TestCloningAspect.aj
13 [iajc] compiling
14 [iajc] weaving
15 [iajc] might need to weave
16 UnwovenClassFile(/home/data/payon/aspect/target/build/org/pragmatico/
17 payment/test/TestDefaultCloningProviderAspect$C.class,
18 org.pragmatico.payment.test.TestDefaultCloningProviderAspect$C),
19 UnwovenClassFile(

so what is really bothering me noweave=no means that it should in fact
weave. and the output in line 14 suggests exactly this. so why does
line 15 indicate, that something must be woven? and why are the classes
in 16-19 unwoven? they should be woven!

so ok i just change the call to Xnoweave="yes". which according to
should not weave but create binaries for the -injars option.

now if i start the build again the output is almost the same with one
notable exception. lines 15-19 are missing. now these are the lines i
would exactly expect when NOT-weaving.

i can anybody explain?

thank you

environment: aspectj 1.1.1 and suse linux 9.0

ciao robertj

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