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RE: [aspectj-users] OT: Crosscutting concerns and XML

No worries :-) Sorry if I sounded aggressive, really wasn't my intention.

Yeah, I'm basically looking at some of the decisions being made in various XML based standards in my field and coming across what I perceive to be crosscutting concerns that are being interspersed with the core structure for which the standard is being written. For example, XML to describe a sensor is being made incredibly complicated by including capabilities to present different language types on a per element basis, where internationalization - particularly on such a per element basis - seems a good candidate for a crosscutting policy. So I started to think around ways to make this sort of solution more moudlarized, hence the posting.

I am really looking at crosscutting concerns right in the XML itself, not necessarily anything to do with how it is parsed. Just a means to elicit and effectively describe the crosscutting definitions, probably in the XML schema really, rather than the mishmash of core structure and crosscutting concern that appears to occur in some of the schemas I come across. XML schema nicely supports inheritance and specialization etc. But nothing I can see for crosscutting...


On Thursday, February 05, 2004, at 11:33AM, Jos� Luis Barrera <jluis.barrera@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

>No problem, y was just wondering what you just wanted, im new to this, so,
>im sorry if i didnt pointed exactly what you mean...
>So, what you want to do is use aspects in the xml parsing tasks?
>-----Original Message-----
>From: aspectj-users-admin@xxxxxxxxxxx
>[mailto:aspectj-users-admin@xxxxxxxxxxx]On Behalf Of Russell Miles
>Sent: Thursday, February 05, 2004 12:13 PM
>To: aspectj-users@xxxxxxxxxxx
>Subject: RE: [aspectj-users] OT: Crosscutting concerns and XML
>Hi Jose,
>Cheers for the reply. I had actually read the article (and it's a good one
>if anyones interested) but it doesn't quite hit what I was talking about.
>Aspectwerkz provides a different set of mechanims  for implementing
>crosscutting concerns in Java ultimately. I am looking at applying
>crosscutting concerns to XML itself, as the target if you like. It may be
>that the XML definitions that exist within Aspectwerkz could provide a
>starting point for crosscutting definitions that are to be applied to XML
>(instances and/or schema?) but it doesn't directly address what I'm
>considering. But, I have to be honest, this is just an idea
>(applyingcrosscutting concerns into xml) at the moment and I was wondering
>if it was one that had already been thought of and worked upon somewhere
>else in the community.
>I guess I am trying to figure out if the same advantages that we get from
>aspect oriented approaches implemented for Java (increased modularity of
>crosscutting concerns, and ultimately flexibility in the design) could be
>applied to the definitions and processing of XML. I am also looking at this
>from the perspective of the standards committees that I work on and how they
>are looking at XML because some of issues they have appear to be
>crosscutting and so that led me to my question.
>Thanks for the pointer though :-)
>On Thursday, February 05, 2004, at 11:05AM, Jos� Luis Barrera
><jluis.barrera@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>Hi Russel
>>Take a look at this, in this framework you can create aspects from xml
>>definition file
>>-----Original Message-----
>>From: aspectj-users-admin@xxxxxxxxxxx
>>[mailto:aspectj-users-admin@xxxxxxxxxxx]On Behalf Of Russell Miles
>>Sent: Thursday, February 05, 2004 11:52 AM
>>To: aspectj-users@xxxxxxxxxxx
>>Subject: [aspectj-users] OT: Crosscutting concerns and XML
>>Hi everyone,
>>Sorry for the off topic posting but I was wondering if anyone had looked at
>>(in research or in practice ... either is good) expressing crosscutting
>>concerns in XML? Sort of a means of defining schema and aspect based
>>processing ... I'm thinking along the lines of xslt transforming schema on
>>the fly to incorporate crosscutting structure but that is just my own
>>thoughts on the issue.
>>Anyway, I am asking as I have started looking at possibly doing some
>>research on this at Oxford Uni for my masters and don't want to repeat
>>anything, or for that matter go down roads that have been already
>>Russ Miles
>>aspectj-users mailing list
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