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Re: [aspectj-users] How to use "call pointcut", when using reflection

Tarun Sharma wrote:
I really appreciate and understand that this might be one way to atleast
try, but I believe you would agree that this might not be practical due
to following limitations I see.

1. To have "call construct", I understand that the caller must be
included in the weaving (at compile time)and this case it would be core
class of jdk i.e. "Constructor", I am not sure if the classloader would
allow this. Can we do weaving at class loading time.? Even in that case,

One of the most useful things about call joinpoints is that the implementation only needs access to the code making the call, not the code that implements the method. This is very useful for capturing calls of methods in the java..* namespace. So long as you have access to the code that is calling Constructor.newInstance you should be fine. Give it a try.

2. Even if it is somehow possible to do the above point (1), I would need
to check the various object_types, as you mentioned already (instanceof)
in the code snippet and then do certain things. If we do some generic
operations via reflection on the newly created object, then its not too
bad.But for specific object manuplation, every_possible_object_type check
would not be helpful or advisible.

I'd suggest that you try the solution above before worrying about the performance. I doubt that the additional instanceof check will be noticable next the the rest of the costs of the reflective call.

3. The same needs to be done for Method.invoke(), as they would also be
left (if called via reflection).

Sure, or you can use method execution joinpoints instead. Unless you're looking for information that is only available at the call-site, or if you need the special functionality of replacing the object that is returned from a constructor, then there is no reason not to use execution joinpoints.


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