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[aspectj-users] Inter-type problems

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I am trying to upgrade from 1.0.6 of aspectj to 1.1 and I ran into some compile problems with an inter-type aspect that we created.  The aspect code is as follows:
public aspect DomainPropertiesAspect {
    // define a point cut in the set account method of IncidentProperties
    pointcut IncidentPropertiesPointcut(AccountProperties ap) :
     call(public void IncidentProperties.setAccount(AccountProperties))
     && args(ap);
    // define a point cut in the set account method of ContactPartyModel
    pointcut contactPartyPointcut(ContactPartyModel cpm) : target(cpm) && call(void setAccount(AccountProperties));
    // apply the advise to remove all the listeners from an account when the next account
    // is retrieved.
    before(AccountProperties ap) : IncidentPropertiesPointcut(ap) && args(ap) {
    before(ContactPartyModel cpm) : contactPartyPointcut(cpm) && args(cpm) {
    // Add a boolean field to all instances of DomainProperties
    public boolean DomainProperties+.listenersZapped = false;
    // Add a method to recursively remove DomainProperty listeners from any
    // instance of DomainProperties
    public void DomainProperties+.removeAllListeners(){
     // to prevent the same object from being called twice.
            this.listenersZapped = true;
     // get all fields defined in this class.  For each field that is an
     // instance of DomainProperties call the remove all listeners method.
            Field[] allFields = this.getClass().getDeclaredFields();
            if(allFields.length == 0) {
            } // if
            for(int i=0;i<allFields.length;i++) {
                Object theObject = allFields[i].get(this);
                if(theObject == null){
                    for(int a = 0;a<Array.getLength(theObject);a++){
                        Object arrayObject = Array.get(theObject,a);
                        if(theObject instanceof DomainProperties){
                        } else {
                        } // if
                    } // for
                } else if(theObject instanceof DomainProperties){
                } else if(theObject instanceof Collection){
                    Collection aCollection = (Collection) theObject;
                    Iterator iter = aCollection.iterator();
                        Object collectionObject =;
                        if(collectionObject instanceof DomainProperties){
                        } else {
                        } // if
                    } // while
                } // if/else if
            } // for
        } catch(Exception e){
        } // try
    } // method
    // utility method to cast from Object to DomainProperties and call removeAllListeners
    private void DomainProperties+.callRemove(Object theObject){
        DomainProperties value = (DomainProperties) theObject;
The error I get is the following:
     [echo] Compiling all java classes.
     [iajc] C:\view$\rdifrang_aspectjUpgrade_NT\discovery\dev\src\com\capitalon
\risk\domain\DomainPropertiesAspect.aj:26 ap cannot be resolved
     [iajc] ap.removeAllListeners();
     [iajc] ^^
     [iajc] C:\view$\rdifrang_aspectjUpgrade_NT\discovery\dev\src\com\capitalon
\risk\domain\DomainPropertiesAspect.aj:30 cpm cannot be resolved
     [iajc] cpm.getAccount().removeAllListeners();
     [iajc] ^^^
     [iajc] C:\view$\rdifrang_aspectjUpgrade_NT\discovery\dev\src\com\capitalon
\risk\domain\DomainPropertiesAspect.aj:34 Duplicate field DomainPropertiesAspec
     [iajc] public boolean DomainProperties+.listenersZapped = false;
     [iajc]                ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
     [iajc] C:\view$\rdifrang_aspectjUpgrade_NT\discovery\dev\src\com\capitalon
\risk\domain\DomainPropertiesAspect.aj:34 Syntax error on token "+", ";", "," e
     [iajc] public boolean DomainProperties+.listenersZapped = false;
     [iajc]                                ^
     [iajc] C:\view$\rdifrang_aspectjUpgrade_NT\discovery\dev\src\com\capitalon
\risk\domain\DomainPropertiesAspect.aj:39 Duplicate field DomainPropertiesAspec
     [iajc] public void DomainProperties+.removeAllListeners(){
     [iajc]             ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
     [iajc] C:\view$\rdifrang_aspectjUpgrade_NT\discovery\dev\src\com\capitalon
\risk\domain\DomainPropertiesAspect.aj:39 Return type for the method is missing
     [iajc] public void DomainProperties+.removeAllListeners(){
     [iajc]                               ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
     [iajc] C:\view$\rdifrang_aspectjUpgrade_NT\discovery\dev\src\com\capitalon
\risk\domain\DomainPropertiesAspect.aj:41 listenersZapped cannot be resolved
     [iajc] if(listenersZapped){
     [iajc]    ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
     [iajc] C:\view$\rdifrang_aspectjUpgrade_NT\discovery\dev\src\com\capitalon
\risk\domain\DomainPropertiesAspect.aj:45 The method getAllChangeListeners() is
undefined for the type DomainPropertiesAspect
     [iajc] this.getAllChangeListeners().clear();
     [iajc]      ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
     [iajc] C:\view$\rdifrang_aspectjUpgrade_NT\discovery\dev\src\com\capitalon
\risk\domain\DomainPropertiesAspect.aj:46 listenersZapped cannot be resolved or
is not a field
     [iajc] this.listenersZapped = true;
     [iajc] ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
     [iajc] C:\view$\rdifrang_aspectjUpgrade_NT\discovery\dev\src\com\capitalon
\risk\domain\DomainPropertiesAspect.aj:63 The method callRemove(Object) is unde
ined for the type DomainPropertiesAspect
     [iajc] callRemove(theObject);
     [iajc] ^^^^^^^^^^
     [iajc] C:\view$\rdifrang_aspectjUpgrade_NT\discovery\dev\src\com\capitalon
\risk\domain\DomainPropertiesAspect.aj:69 The method callRemove(Object) is unde
ined for the type DomainPropertiesAspect
     [iajc] callRemove(theObject);
     [iajc] ^^^^^^^^^^
     [iajc] C:\view$\rdifrang_aspectjUpgrade_NT\discovery\dev\src\com\capitalon
\risk\domain\DomainPropertiesAspect.aj:76 The method callRemove(Object) is unde
ined for the type DomainPropertiesAspect
     [iajc] callRemove(collectionObject);
     [iajc] ^^^^^^^^^^
     [iajc] C:\view$\rdifrang_aspectjUpgrade_NT\discovery\dev\src\com\capitalon
\risk\domain\DomainPropertiesAspect.aj:89 Duplicate field DomainPropertiesAspec
     [iajc] private void DomainProperties+.callRemove(Object theObject){
     [iajc]              ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
     [iajc] C:\view$\rdifrang_aspectjUpgrade_NT\discovery\dev\src\com\capitalon
\risk\domain\DomainPropertiesAspect.aj:89 Return type for the method is missing
     [iajc] private void DomainProperties+.callRemove(Object theObject){
     [iajc]                                ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
     [iajc] C:\view$\rdifrang_aspectjUpgrade_NT\discovery\dev\src\com\capitalon
\risk\domain\DomainPropertiesAspect.aj:91 The method removeAllListeners() is un
efined for the type DomainProperties
     [iajc] value.removeAllListeners();
     [iajc]       ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Ron DiFrango

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