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[aspectj-dev] AspectJ 1.6.12.M2 released

AspectJ 1.6.12.M2 is now available.

You can grab it here:

The readme describes in more detail the changes in 1.6.12.M2:

Some bug fixes, one language enhancement.
- 'thisAspectInstance' is a new well known field usable in pointcut if() clauses
- bug fixes for weaving groovy when using non-singleton aspects
- AJDT memory usage.  Some flags that have been an optional choice to
turn on will now default to true, reducing memory usage of AJDT in
- some early support for dealing with classes built with Java7.  (no
Java7 language support yet).

AJDT dev builds later today should have 1.6.12.M2 in them, and it is
in our SpringSource maven repo.

 <name>SpringSource milestones</name>

AspectJ team

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