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Re: [aspectj-dev] RCP Application working through eclipse but not as an exported application

It looks like your aspects have not been compiled properly.  How did
you export your product?  Did you use the Export Product with AspectJ

On Thu, Nov 26, 2009 at 11:41 AM, Mikkel Andersen
<mikkel.t.andersen@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> I followed this example
> and created my own RCP app with a bundle that need weaving, and a bundle
> that weaves the aspect in, through LTW.
> This all works when running inside eclipse, but when I export the product it
> does not work.
> Here is the info I get when running inside eclipse
> [org.eclipse.equinox.weaving.hook] info adding AspectJ hooks ...
> [org.eclipse.equinox.weaving.
> aspectj] info Starting AspectJ weaving service ...
> [org.plugination.clubadmin.ui] info AspectJ Weaver Version 1.6.6 built on
> Wednesday Sep 30, 2009 at 18:55:14 GMT
> [org.plugination.clubadmin.ui] info register aspect
> org.plugination.clubadmin.ui.aspects.PropertyChangeSupportAspect
> [org.eclipse.equinox.weaving.aspectj] info weaving bundle
> 'org.plugination.clubadmin.ui'
> [org.plugination.clubadmin.core] info AspectJ Weaver Version 1.6.6 built on
> Wednesday Sep 30, 2009 at 18:55:14 GMT
> [org.plugination.clubadmin.core] info register aspect
> org.plugination.clubadmin.ui.aspects.PropertyChangeSupportAspect
> [org.eclipse.equinox.weaving.aspectj] info weaving bundle
> 'org.plugination.clubadmin.core'
> ....
> And here is it when I run outside eclipse
> [org.eclipse.equinox.weaving.hook] info adding AspectJ hooks ...
> [org.aspectj.osgi.service.weaving] info Starting AspectJ weaving service ...
> and nothing else...
> This is the config.ini I use
> osgi.bundles=org.eclipse.equinox.common@2:start,org.eclipse.update.configurator@3:start,org.eclipse.equinox.weaving.aspectj@4:start,org.eclipse.core.runtime@start
> osgi.framework.extensions=org.eclipse.equinox.weaving.hook
> aj.weaving.verbose=true
> org.aspectj.weaver.showWeaveInfo=true
> osgi.clean=true
> org.aspectj.osgi.verbose=true
> eclipse.product=org.plugination.clubadmin.ui.product
> Any help is appriciated I am kindof lost right now... I am using the 1.6.6
> version with eclipse 3.5
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