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Re: [aspectj-dev] 1.6.4 plans

As mentioned in the wiki,
( Equinox Aspects must be
in the same directory as the org.eclipse.osgi plugin.  Is this
something that you tried, but were not able to get working, or is this
not possible for you?

Bug 257178 has been raised to track exactly this issue.  We are really
hoping that it will make it into Eclipse 3.5 (even though there is no
AJDT version targeting it yet).

If you would like to see this included before the code freeze, please
let your voice be heard and vote for it.

On Tue, Jan 20, 2009 at 10:46 AM, Adrian Sampaleanu <nmanole@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> I recently tried to use the new JDT weaving version of AJDT and wasn't
> successful. The assumption that the AJDT plugins are installed under the
> Eclipse directory is not right in my case as I install additional Eclipse
> features externally, by placing a .link file in the dropins directory for
> each major feature group I add. I tried following the steps in the wiki for
> this kind of use case, but wasn't successful in getting Equinox Aspects to
> run. I supposed catering to "non-standard" installations is not a priority,
> but I suspect that it's exactly these people (who are first adopters and are
> very meticulous about how/where plugins are installed) that would have
> useful input of the kind you're asking for.
> It's too bad Eclipse's new and improved update mechanism was only "half"
> implemented - now I need to use both the old one and new one in order to
> achieve a cleaner separation between features and not pollute my Eclipse
> installation with older irrelevant versions of plugins that I update
> regularly.
> Cheers,
> Adrian
> On Tue, Jan 20, 2009 at 1:16 PM, Andy Clement <andrew.clement@xxxxxxxxx>
> wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I just wanted to share some goals for 1.6.4 with everyone on the dev
>> list and maybe get some feedback.  The AspectJ codebase in the best
>> shape ever and for once, release on release, the number of bugs is
>> decreasing drastically.  With the recent improvements in AJDT we are
>> actually reaching a point where it is not so painful to convert a
>> project from Java > AJ nature.  So it makes me wary of tackling any of
>> the larger items for 1.6.4 that may lead to destabilization, such as
>> the new 'intertype {}' syntax.  Instead I feel we should tackle all
>> the little glitches here and there that detract from the development
>> experience and really get things working smoothly.  Effectively 1.6.4
>> being more a bug fix and further polish release - rather than anything
>> too radical.  I'll take comments on what people thing about this?
>> To follow up on this, I might post on the users list for people to let
>> me know about any glitches they see, anything at all.  All those
>> little things where they just say "Oh, AJDT just does that, I just
>> press the emergency 'clean all' button" - these are problems that
>> traditionally people probably haven't been reporting but have just
>> been tolerating.
>> thanks,
>> Andy.
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