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RE: [aspectj-dev] AspectJ 1.5.2 rc1 available

Hi Andy,

It's exciting to see the 1.5.2 release close to completion. There are three
bug fixes and one big enhancement that I would really like to see included
in 1.5.2 final:

Bug fixes:
148727 - the change to marking aspect API methods aspectOf and has Aspect
with synthetic breaks any application which calls these methods on library
aspects (like ours).

126118/145689 - with AJDT 20060616121018 / AspectJ, I
still see cases where e.g., missing types cause build failures with no
problems reported. I think it's vital that AspectJ 1.5.2 and AJDT 1.4.0 ship
with reliable problem reporting in Eclipse. I just switched to the latest
dev build on Eclipse 3.2 RC7 so hopefully this one is fixed? But if not, I
really think it's worth holding the release to get this right... It creates
a lot of problems for experienced developers and great concern/adoption
issues among newer developers/projects: if you can't rely on finding
problems in your Java code when you switch to AJDT, it makes it hard to make
the switch...

145693 - after initial submission, I added a test to this case that shows a
problem with the weaver resolving types that are on the inpath so they need
to be added to the classpath too, which is something I don't think one
should ever do.

148773 - this is a small change to the load-time weaving world that allows
evicting non-aspect types (i.e., makes them expendable). This significantly
reduces overhead if you weave into a lot of types (e.g., it cuts total
AspectJ memory overhead on startup in a test configuration from 160 to 90%).
This patch couldn't be submitted until recently, when LTWWorld was finally
integrated into the codebase...

-----Original Message-----
From: aspectj-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx
[mailto:aspectj-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Andy Clement
Sent: Monday, June 26, 2006 9:29 AM
To: aspectj-users@xxxxxxxxxxx; AspectJ developer discussions
Subject: [aspectj-dev] AspectJ 1.5.2 rc1 available

AspectJ1.5.2 release candidate 1 is now available from the AspectJ
download page:

It includes over 60 bugs and enhancements we have addressed since
AspectJ1.5.1a - see the readme for more details:

(The readme includes a bugzilla query that lists all the changes in

We would like to be in line with the release schedule for Eclipse 3.2
and so we urge you to download and try this release candidate as soon
as possible and raise any issues you find in Bugzilla.  We plan to go
final at the end of this week if no serious problems are found.

The AJDT 1.4 release candidate for Eclipse 3.2 includes 1.5.2rc1.


The AspectJ Team.
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