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[aspectj-dev] AspectJ 1.5.1 is now available

We're delighted to say that AspectJ 1.5.1 is now available from the download page:

This release is primarily a bug fix and performance / memory usage release. Over 70 fixes and enhancements have been incorporated since 1.5.0, you  can see the list through this bugzilla query:

AspectJ 1.5.1 has significantly lower memory usage than AspectJ 1.5.0, especially when building inside of AJDT. The improvements are also noticeable when batch building with Ant, or when load-time weaving. Batch building a project with over 1000 source files with both AspectJ 1.5.1 and AspectJ 1.5.0 shows a 16% reduction in peak memory usage, and an 8% reduction in heap consumed by temporary objects. The AspectJ 1.5.1 compiler integrated into AJDT gives memory savings of at least 50%. The greater savings in the AJDT environment are due to improvements in areas such as structure model generation that are not exercised in a batch build.

An AJDT release incorporating AspectJ 1.5.1 will be available shortly.

We're grateful to all the users that submitted bug reports and patches for  this release, and for helping us to diagnose problems. In particular we'd like to thank Ron Bodkin and Helen Hawkins for their contributions and patches that have been integrated in this release.

We plan to continue working in the 1.5 stream on quality, performance, and memory usage improvements leading to a 1.5.2 release later this year. AspectJ 5 was a big step forward and we want to consolidate and give you the best experience possible when using AspectJ and the associated tools before we undertake any major new enhancements.

Thanks and stay in touch
-- The AspectJ Team.

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