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Re: [aspectj-dev] AspectJ reflect API

I just committed into the tree the outline of a solution that I started work on last month (this is a *long* way from finished). Take a look at the aspectj5rt module in CVS where you'll find the org.aspectj.lang.reflect package and org.aspectj.internal.lang.reflect. The basic notion is to introduce a new interface, AjType, which is to AspectJ's reflection interfaces what Class is to Java's (Class is final so we couldn't extend that). I've filled in the shape of the AjType interface based to on the precedence set by java.lang.Class in Java 5.  (Note that even classes get AjType equivalents in this world, since classes can have pointcuts...). The interfaces for ITDs, advice, pointcuts etc. (analogous to Method, Field,...) are not filled in yet. The size of the AjType interface should indicate the amount of effort that needs to go into testing this! The intended anchor into the AspectJ type world is via AjTypeSystem.getAjType(Class forClass). So you'd write something like this:

AjType aspectType = AjTypeSystem.getAjType(MyAspect.class);
Pointcut[] pointcuts = aspectType.getDeclaredPointcuts();

Patches that start to flesh out the interfaces with the stuff you need, and especially patches that contribute test cases would be very welcome. We need to figure out how to make more of the aspect members runtime visible so that the API can be implemented (pointcuts for example are not currently - unless you use @AspectJ style and we decide to make the Pointcut annotation runtime visible...). A lot of that work will have to happen in ajdt.core and probably needs some committer time to get started - which realistically means M4 timeframe I suspect. Fitting your current implementation behind the interfaces and checking that they meet your needs would be a good way to get started in the meantime...

Cheers, A.

-- Adrian

Russell Miles <russellmiles@xxxxxxx>
Sent by: aspectj-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx

14/04/2005 16:21

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Re: [aspectj-dev] AspectJ reflect API

Hi Mac,

You might find that the reflection extensions that I've built into aUnit's framework (org.aspectj.aunit.framework.reflect.Aspect and org.aspectj.aunit.framework.reflect.Advice) might give you some of what you need. What it doesn't already have I'd be happy to work on with you as pointcut information would be really useful to aUnit - the problem with providing runtime reflective information on pointcuts is that (as far as I can find) that information is not retained after compile and weave.

aUnit's source is available from, follow the SourceForge project link at the top of the page (I'm in the process now of adding direct links from the homepage)



On Thursday, April 14, 2005, at 03:18PM, Mac <mac@xxxxxxxx> wrote:

>I'am currently working on aspectJ5 Unit Testing framework. I need an AspectJ
>reflect API or something like :
>                 org.aspectj.lang.reflect.Aspect with getAdvice() and getPointcut()  methods
>and all the inherited Class features.
>Are you planning to provide it ? I f not, any opinions are welcome.
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