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Re: [aspectj-dev] two quick questions about jdk 1.5

Hi Adrian,

Thanks for the milestone round up.  I look forward to hearing more once you've
come up with some tasks.  Sorry for the tardy reply, my isp had some problems
with their servers.  I have lost a couple of days worth of email...fortunately
this was one of the last ones I got.  If I've missed anything important, could
you resend (sorry for the inconvenience).

Can't wait to help out.


Quoting Adrian Colyer <adrian_colyer@xxxxxxxxxx>:

> > 1) When do you expect to support the new syntax.
> Our current target is to have full support by the end of March 2005 (when 
> the Eclipse JDT compiler fully supports Java 5). However, there will be a 
> number of milestone releases on the run up to that. 
> The first major milestone (1.5.0M1) simply ensures that AspectJ's weaver 
> does the right thing when confronted with Java 5 class files (ie. no 
> extended pointcut syntax etc., but does understand covariance, varargs, 
> bridge methods, enums, etc.). I'd like to reach this point by Christmas 
> (or before, depending on the order we decide to attack things in). 
> The second major milestone (1.5.0M2) extends the pointcut matching to 
> support generics and annotations in pointcut expressions. We can do this 
> ahead of the full JDT support being available as this function is 
> implemented in our weaver. With M2, you will be able to compile Java 5 
> sources using the Java 5 compiler, and then (binary) weave them with 
> AspectJ, taking full advantage of Java 5 features in join point matching. 
> This will give an equivalent level of Java 5 support to the other aspect 
> approaches out there right now. I'd like to reach this point by the end of 
> January.
> The third major milestone will be 1.5.0rc1, with the full source-level 
> support for Java 5 features. I'd like to reach this point by the end of 
> March.
> The timings may vary, and there may be additional milestones inserted 
> inbetween or after these, but that should give you a flavour of our 
> current thinking.
> > 2) Do you require (and have a place for) an extra developer helping 
> > out.  I have
> > some code that could really benefit from aspects, but it's in 1.5.  I 
> have 7
> > years java exp under my belt and am willing to pitch in where needed. As 
> I
> > don't know the code base, I'm probably best used as a code monkey 
> > (and am happy
> > to be).
> How could we refuse? :) I've been working on the specification of some of 
> the 1.5 features, and Andy has been working on the lower-level support 
> (like extending our optimized BCEL implementation to support annotations). 
> This work has been temporarily out of the tree whilst we keep things 
> locked down for the 1.2.1 release, but is about to get checked in and will 
> form a good basis for collaborative development around 1.5. Andy and I 
> will discuss tomorrow which implementation tasks may be suitable to break 
> out as a (gentle?) introduction and get back to you.
> Thanks, Adrian.
> -- Adrian
> Adrian_Colyer@xxxxxxxxxx
> adamandeve@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 
> Sent by: aspectj-dev-admin@xxxxxxxxxxx
> 07/11/2004 07:55
> Please respond to
> aspectj-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx
> To
> aspectj-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx
> cc
> Subject
> [aspectj-dev] two quick questions about jdk 1.5
> Hi Guys,
> I know you probably get bugged daily about jdk 1.5 all the time, so I will 
> make
> my questions brief:
> 1) When do you expect to support the new syntax.
> 2) Do you require (and have a place for) an extra developer helping out. I 
> have
> some code that could really benefit from aspects, but it's in 1.5.  I have 
> 7
> years java exp under my belt and am willing to pitch in where needed.  As 
> I
> don't know the code base, I'm probably best used as a code monkey (and am 
> happy
> to be).
> Let me know if there's any designed components you can slice off and send 
> my way
> for coding and an eta on 1.5 would also be appreciated.
> Cheers
> Adam
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