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Re: [aspectj-dev] triage on most recent bug reports - update

More options {with optional hints}

  No interface constructor-execution join point
  - use call( for implementing classes

  Ambiguous binding of type A
  - use one args(..) per matched join point


Andrew Clement wrote:

I've been working on the three bugs Jim highlighted, I agree they should go into 1.2 - the fixes are quite localized.

But I would like some input from people on the new error messages I am introducing:

This is a new xlint warning to tell people we no longer make interface constructor join points available for selection with pointcuts:

no constructor join points for interface type XXX [Xlint:noInterfaceCtorJoinpoint]

comments? My only concern is that I don't want the user to read the message and think there is a way they could mangle their pointcut or their interface definition to 'get at' a ctor jp - so another option is:

interfaces have no exposed constructor join points.  Interface type XXX

This is a new error message when a user attempts to bind a second variable
to a formal parameter.  For example:
    before(A a,B b): call(* fred(..)) && (args(a,b) || args(b,a))

Currently we blow up at runtime with a ClassCastException if you try this
kind of thing. Although we could support this in the longer term, for now we'll output an error message at compile time. Currently I have this:

C:\Eclipse\212\eclipse\aspectj_ws2\tests\bugs\ error Cannot bind more than once to a formal. Failed to bind on type:B (args(b,a) || args(a,b)) { ^^^^^^^ C:\Eclipse\212\eclipse\aspectj_ws2\tests\bugs\ error Cannot bind more than once to a formal. Failed to bind on type:A (args(b,a) || args(a,b)) { ^^^^^^^
Including more information than that in the message is hard without it
becoming a much larger fix.


"Jim Hugunin" <lists@xxxxxxxxxxx> Sent by: aspectj-dev-admin@xxxxxxxxxxx
10/05/2004 20:27
Please respond to


[aspectj-dev] triage on most recent bug reports

Looking towards 1.2, I've made a quick pass through the large group of
recent bug reports starting with #60936.  Several of those bugs could be
resolved as either doc issues or invalid.  Several more I believe aren't
important enough to fix until after 1.2. However, there are three remaining
bugs that I think should be considered for the 1.2 release.  See the
individual bug reports for my thoughts and to add any additional information
or evaluation.


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