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Re: [aspectj-dev] [NEWBIE] Return type for the method is missing

Welcome to AspectJ...

This is a question for aspectj-users@xxxxxxxxxxx,
where people discuss how to write AspectJ programs.

The compiler error message here is not helpful,
but here's the problem:

from: after : logEntry() {
  to: after () : logEntry() {

When starting, I recommend keeping the two-page
quick reference and the language semantic appendix
at your side; once you've gotten the syntax, errors
like this jump out at you, and it becomes easy to
write code.


P.S. - There's a bug on point:

Sri Sankaran wrote:

Using: AspectJ v1.1.1 (as reported by ajc -version)
OK, so I am just starting out with AOP and AspectJ.

I have a simple ol' Java class:
public class MainClass {
  public void wasteTime(int duration) {
    try {
    } catch (InterruptedException e) {
      System.out.println("Sleep interrupted");
I then wrote an aspect with a a couple of pointcuts and a few advices. Upon compilation these generate all kinds of errors. I have whittled it down to one pointcut and one advice.

public aspect Timer {

  pointcut logEntry() : call(* MainClass.wasteTime(..));

  after : logEntry() {

This generates 3 errors: Return type for the method is missing
pointcut logEntry() : call(* MainClass.wasteTime(..));
                      ^^^^ Syntax error on token ":", "(" expected
after : logEntry() {
      ^ Return type for the method is missing
after : logEntry() {

Can you help?

Sri j?^r??z?X??X???)y?cu??rX???+?m???z?*lz???f??f??X??)ߣ??-?ׯ

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