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[aspectj-dev] Inner aspects

Hi Matthew and Wes,

Thanks for your interest in this feature. Here's are some better examples
to show what I mean about inner aspects being different than a nested

void breadthFirstTraverse(Vertex v) {
  private boolean Vertex.visited = false; // inner-introduction, must be
                                          // private
  Queue<Vertex> q = new Queue<Vertex>();
  while (q.hasElements()) {
    Vertex x = q.dequeue();
    for (Vertex y: x.adjacent()) {
      if (y.visited == false) {
        y.visited = true;
        found(x, y);

Here, the code uses y.visited just like it was a true field, but the field
only exists when breadthFirstTraverse is executing. That is, the class
itself is not holding a space for the field to be stored. While an
external data-structure could be used to hold "visited" values instead
based on a hashtable (and, in fact that's how I see this would be
implemented) that code can be error prone and lacks the idea that
"visited" really is a member of the class, but only when the
breadthFirstTraverse method is executing. By allowing inner aspects you
get these kinds of features for free.

Here's an example using advice:

void countSets() {
  int numSets = 0;
  double acc = 0.0;

  pointcut setOccured(double rhs): set(double *.*) && args(rhs);
  after(double newVal): setOccured(newVal) {
    acc += newVal;

  System.out.println("Number of sets=" + numSets + ", acc=" + acc);

Here, not only can the advice access the local variables "acc" and
"numSets", the advice is also only executing when countSets is called. I
think the data-structures needed to implement this one would be even
trickier for the coder (but not the compiler!).

Note that when introduced inner-methods are used, they would act like true
sub-routines and be able to access local variables in the scope. It is
accessing local variables that adds the real value.


On Mon, 12 Jan 2004, Matthew Webster wrote:
> Macneil,
> I assume the reason for this discussion is the desire to create fields
> whose visibility is restricted to the methods that need them. This can be
> done today as inner aspects are supported however you must use an
> inter-type declaration to add the method as well as the field it is
> accessing. Moving to a code branch level is not possible as no such join
> point is supported by AspectJ.
> import java.util.Random;
> public class MyClass {
>       private static aspect InnerAspect1 {
>             private static Random MyClass.rgen = new Random();
>             static int MyClass.rand(int n, int m) {
>                   return n + Math.abs(rgen.nextInt()) % (m - n + 1);
>             }
>       }
>       private static aspect InnerAspect2 {
>             private boolean MyClass.flag = false;   // only the f
> member-function uses the
>             void MyClass.f() {
>                   if (flag) {
>                   }
>             }
>       }
>       public static void main (String[] args) {
>             rand(1,2);
>             new MyClass().f();
>       }
> }
> Matthew Webster
> AOSD Project
> Java Technology Centre, MP146
> IBM Hursley Park, Winchester,  SO21 2JN, England
> Telephone: +44 196 2816139 (external) 246139 (internal)
> Email: Matthew Webster/UK/IBM @ IBMGB, matthew_webster@xxxxxxxxxx
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> aspectj-dev mailing list
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