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[aspectj-dev] AspectJ 1.1.1rc1 - Preview Build 1


A build of 1.1.1rc1 has been made and the output aspectj-1.1.1rc1.jar placed in org.aspectj/releases/aspectj-1.1.1rc1 on CVS. The build was carried out on a Sun 1.3.1 JDK and the CVS extract was done today at about 9:40am UK time.

JUnit Tests
100% pass rate running on Sun 1.4.1 and Sun 1.3.1
The results are in the junitXmlOutput-13 and junitXmlOutput-14 folders contained in the zip file org.aspectj/releases/aspectj-1.1.1rc1/build-output/

Harness tests
All looks OK running on Sun 1.4.1 and Sun 1.3.1
The results are to be found in the zip file org.aspectj/releases/aspectj-1.1.1rc1/build-output/

Install & Post-Install on Windows
All OK.

Install & Post-Install on Linux
All OK.

More information on the above can be found in the file org.aspectj/releases/aspectj-1.1.1rc1/package-and-test-notes.txt

1. There was an odd compile problem near the end of the test run that appears to be ajc complaining about use of an input to the instanceof operator in class org.aspectj.ajdt.internal.core.builder.AsmElementFormatter. Look at the files test-ajc-aspectj-13.txt and test-ajc-aspectj-14.txt in the file to see the precise error (yes, the output streams got in a bit of a pickle).

2. In the installer application the default install location on Windows is hard set to c:\aspectj1.1 and on Linux to $HOME/aspectj1.1. Assuming that we want to version number to track with the values set for each build I wonder if we should use the Ant "replace" task to set the version in $installer$.org.aspectj/ with one of the values out of build-properties.xml (like build.version.base) prior to compiling ?

3. The automated docs link checker threw up a handful of broken links. Anything on the site timed out (it seems to be down just now) while the faq.html has a few wrong links to other local files. See the file org.aspectj/releases/aspectj-1.1.1rc1/build-output/test-doc-links-messages.txt for more details.

4. No tests run against IBM 131 JVM yet.

Best regards,
George C. Harley

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