Website URL: OVERVIEW: Functioning of modern society is deeply dependant on various types of infrastructure, such as water supply, transportation, energy and communication.
Each utility infrastructure (such as water or communication) is, in fact, a complex system made up of numerous sub-systems, most of which comprise a critical software element, such as, for control, operation, or security and safety provision.
Yet, software itself (along with the physical counterpart for its operation) is an infrastructure. This software infrastructure is already supporting an ever-growing set of services and, gradually, replacing what previously would have been delivered via other forms of infrastructure. For instance, the lion’s share of monetary transactions in developed countries is carried out via ICT infrastructure. Online shopping has become a norm, music, books, and films are becoming almost entirely software products themselves. This in turn has implications on the city planning (many retail shops are closing down!), transportation, and road infrastructure. Even healthcare and socialising are moving from physical into digital world.
This workshop aims to initiate a discussion on broad topics of software as a crosscutting infrastructure, envision the future with service provision centred around the software infrastructure, identify and discuss the current and future (both software engineering, and broader) issues that either facilitate or prevent this vision.
TOPICS on software as an infrastructure, including, but not limited to:
+ Examples of software as a crosscutting infrastructure:
++ What are the peculiarities of software infrastructure vs. other forms (e.g., transportation, energy);
++How can software infrastructure be distinguished from those it crosscuts?
+ Problems/issues arising with software becoming a critical infrastructure that crosscuts other utility infrastructures:
++Will failure in software infrastructure be a “single point of failure”?
++Will this improve or deteriorate other infrastructure assets?
+ Understanding what requirements a software should fulfil to become a fully formed type of utility (e.g., on par with water and electricity):
+ Software Engineering design and implementation ramifications of software moving into a central infrastructure role:
++Do we have adequate development techniques
++Do we have adequate failure detection/prevention support
+Social impact of the transition of software into infrastructure:
As the first workshop in this space, this even will set up an initial research agenda. Problems for this agenda will be elicited from the workshop submissions, group discussions, and imagination sessions.
SUBMISSIONSWe invite submissions of extended abstracts and short papers on the broad set of issues related to software as a crosscutting infrastructure. All submissions must be in standard ACM SIG Proceedings format (see
Extended abstracts should not exceed 2 pages. Short papers should not exceed 4 pages.
Each submission will be reviewed by 2 members of the workshop PC.
Submissions should be sent to the workshop organisers via email (rc256_at_leicester_dot_ac_dot_uk).
PARTICIPATIONPaper/abstract submission is strongly encouraged for workshop participation. However, non-submitting participants will also be welcomed, if space is available.
All submissions will be posted on the workshop website to initiate discussion before the workshop itself.
The workshop itself will comprise of a number of highly interactive discussion and imagination sessions. The workshop will work on preparation of a research agenda on topics of Software as a Crosscutting Infrastructure.
IMPORTANT DATES:+ Workshop Paper submission deadline: 17th January 2013,
+ Workshop Paper notification date: 28th January 2013,
+ Workshop Paper camera-ready deadline: 18th February 2013.
Program Committee:Mehmet Aksit, University of Twente, The Netherlands
Christoph Bockisch, University of Twente, The Netherlands
Joby Boxall, University of Sheffield, UK
Ruzanna Chitchyan, University of Leicester, UK
Robert France, Colorado State University, USA (to be confirmed)
Tom Grant, University of Leicester, UK
Ana Moreira, New University of Lisboan, Portugal
Harold Ossher, BM Thomas J. Watson Research Center, USA
Liz Varga, Cranfield Univesity, UK
Website URL: workshop proceedings will be included into the ACM digital