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[aspectj-announce] CFP - First Workshop on Aspect-Oriented Product Line Engineering

[Apologies for multiple receptions]

First Workshop on Aspect-Oriented Product Line Engineering
         Part of GPCE 06 and colocated with OOPSLA 06 
         Sunday October 22, 2006 Portland, Oregon 


Product Line Engineering (PLE) is an increasingly important paradigm in
software development whereby commonalities and variations among similar
systems are systematically identified and exploited. 

PLE covers a large spectrum of activities, from domain analysis to
validation and testing. Variability is manifested throughout this
spectrum in artifacts such as models, requirements, code and components
and it is often of crosscutting nature. These characteristics make
Aspect-Oriented Software Development (AOSD) techniques appealing as
suitable candidates to modularize variability. 

Work on Generative Programming (GP) and Component Engineering (CE) has
shown the crucial role they play in PLE and the potential benefits of
its synergy with AOSD.

This workshop aims at expanding and capitalizing on the increasing
interest of researchers from these communities. The main goal of the
workshop is to share and discuss ideas, identify research opportunities
and foster collaboration to tackle the challenges these opportunities
may bring about. 


Work on Aspect-Oriented Software Development concepts and techniques
applied to Software Product Line Engineering has shown promising
results. These results can be further strengthened when Generative
Programming and Component Engineering techniques are applied in concert.
The main goal of the workshop is to foster and strengthen the
collaboration between the AOSD, PLE and generative research communities
by identifying common interests and research venues. 

We expect the following results from the workshop: 
  * A list of the participants' interests and contact details that will
posted on the workshop website, 
  * All accepted papers and a summary of the discussions will be
compiled        into a technical report, publicly available through the
workshop website and other university departmental sites, 
  * Establishing a research agenda that would lead into joint projects

NOTE: The authors of the best full papers may be invited to submit a
journal version of their paper. Further details on the journal
publication will be available soon. 

Workshop Format 

The workshop is scheduled as a full day workshop. Participants are
expected to read the papers accepted beforehand to be able to contribute
to lively 
discussions about approaches and ideas presented. The morning session
consist of short presentations of the most representative papers.
Interesting discussion topics will be collected for the afternoon
session. In the afternoon we will use the "Open Space" format in order
to discuss topics of interest that might be, or might not be directly
related to the papers presented in the morning. The results of the
discussion groups will be presented in the last half hour of the

The papers and a summary of the discussions will be compiled into a
technical report that will be posted on the workshop's website. The
authors of the best full papers may be invited to submit a journal
version. Details will be available soon. 

Important Dates
Paper submission deadline: August 11, 2006 
Notification: September 1, 2006
Camera ready: September 29, 2006 
Workshop: October 22, 2006 


We invite submissions of:
 * Short papers: 2 pages 
 * Position papers: 6-8 pages 
 * Full papers: 10-12 pages 

Papers should be in ACM or IEEE format, in Postscript or PDF. The papers
will be reviewed by at least three members of the program committee and
the organization committee.

We are looking for contributions in the following topics: 
 * The role of aspects during Domain Engineering and/or Application
 * AOSD techniques applied to mapping and traceability of requirements
   architecture, design and implementation of product line systems 
 * AO approaches for independent feature development and feature
 * Application of generative AOSD techniques to product line engineering

 * Product line testing and evolution using aspects and generative
 * Core asset and variability management using aspects and generative
 * Aspects and product line adoption 
 * Alliance between AOSD, DSLs and MDD in product line engineering 
 * Case studies on aspects and software product lines 


Neil Loughran (loughran@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx) - Lancaster University 

Iris Groher  (Iris.Groher@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx)- Siemens AG, Germany & Linz
Univ. Austria 

Roberto Lopez-Herrejon  (rlopez@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx) - University of Oxford 

If you require further information on the paper submission or have any
problems submitting your paper, please feel free to contact any of the

Program Committee 

Jeff Gray, University of Alabama at Birmingham 
Awais Rashid, Lancaster University 
Krzysztof Czarnecki, University of Waterloo 
Markus Völter, Independent Consultant 
Rob van Ommering, Philips Research 
Christa Schwanninger, Siemens AG 
Don Batory, University of Texas at Austin 
Charles Krueger, Biglever Software Inc 
Lidia Fuentes, University of Malaga 
Danilo Beuche, pure-systems GmbH

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