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Re: [asciidoc-wg] AsciiDoc WG Steering Committee Meeting, October 03, 2023

Dear SC,

I won't be able to make it for the Meeting on Oct 3. I delegate my vote to Jason Porter. If that shouldn't be possible for some Eclipse rules, I delegate it to Guillaume Grossetie.

As I won't be there for the meeting, I give the status on "Tooling for AsciiDoc" here on the list: Due to a change of roles at work, I need to refocus my activities. For the forseeable time, I won't be able to work on that task. The task is therefore available for adoption. My work in the AsciiDoc space is now limited to maintaining the AsciiDoc plugin for IntelliJ.


On 29 Sept 2023 06:45, Amarantha Kulkarni via asciidoc-wg wrote:
Steering Committee and Community at Large,

Please save the date for the next Steering Committee meeting on Tuesday, October 03, 2023 at 20:00 UTC. 

During this meeting, we will go over the Working Group Operations updates and review the status of the project. 


All interested parties outside of the Steering Committee members are welcome to join as observers. If a representative of a Partner Member cannot attend the meeting, please make arrangements to send a delegate. If we don't reach quorum, we cannot hold the meeting.

Once the meeting has concluded, the minutes will be sent to this list for approval. 

Thanks and Regards,

Amarantha Kulkarni

Topic: AsciiDoc WG Steering Committee Meeting
Date & Time: October 03, 2023 20:00 Universal Time UTC
Platform: Zoom
Meeting ID and Link: Can be found in the agenda document

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