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Re: [asciidoc-wg] Update on Q4 tasks from project plan

After a productive month of work, I'm happy to report updates on the tasks identified in this thread:

> * Sync changes to the AsciiDoc Language user guide from the initial contribution repository
> * Switch the source of the AsciiDoc Language user guide to the upstream asciidoc-lang project

Both of these tasks have been completed. Refer to the announcement "AsciiDoc user docs successfully rehomed" on this list for details.

> * Draft and submit an initial outline (i.e., high-level document structure) for the spec document

This draft has been submitted. See There are a few companion proposals that need to be filed as issues before we can merge the outline.

> * Revise the process documents and tend to issues in the asciidoc-lang repository

The work on this task is underway. We've begun by submitting several new issues which either replace or serve as follow-up to the issues that were already in the repository. We're also in the process of identifying the criteria for the first milestone and beyond.

A key area of focus has been researching the feasibility of defining the inline syntax using a formal, parsable grammar. That work is reflected in the following issue:

There was one additional task that we completed which I had previously forgotten to list. The transfer of the domain (and the parked domain) to the Eclipse Foundation is now complete.

Best Regards,


Dan Allen, Vice President | OpenDevise Inc.
Pronouns: he, him, his
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