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Re: [asciidoc-wg] is now live!

Thank you Guillaume for taking the lead on this effort and congratulations to everyone who helped get us to this point. This is a very important milestone in the ongoing development of AsciiDoc. I'm thrilled we finally have a common area where people can gather to get help, receive updates, organize initiatives, and coordinate activities in the AsciiDoc ecosystem. The Zulip-based chat has had a very positive influence on the Asciidoctor and Antora projects, and I'm excited to see how it helps gives the AsciiDoc ecosystem a greater sense of identity and unity.

I'm confident this chat will be a vital resource in channeling us towards where we want to go with AsciiDoc. When we talk about AsciiDoc, we often say that we don't want it to be fragmented. Today, we now have a way to ensure that we move together and communicate as one group.

We will need to be mindful about how we use the chat, but there are plenty of us there who will help mentor and guide participants. In particular, Zulip offers the ability to move posts around. So never be worried about posting in the wrong place. We'll help your input find its way to the right stream. Over time, those paths will get worn in so they become more clear.

See you around in the chat!

Best Regards,


Dan Allen, Vice President | OpenDevise Inc.
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