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[asciidoc-wg] Call for participation in the AsciiDoc logo design process


I've reached out the creative team at the Eclipse Foundation to help us develop a logo family for AsciiDoc, as stated in the 2021 Program Plan. A member of that team wants to have an initial meeting to go over motivation, vision, and requirements. If you're interested in participating in the design process (from start to finish), please reply and I will add you to the meeting invite.

Once the first set of design options are ready, they'll be shared with this list for feedback. We'll iterate until there's general agreement that we're satisfied with the result. Ultimately, the AsciiDoc WG Steering Committee will vote on the design. But that vote will be based on prior acceptance by the AsciiDoc community-at-large.

Best Regards,


Dan Allen, Vice President | OpenDevise Inc.
Pronouns: he, him, his
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