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Re: [asciidoc-wg] Website for The AsciiDoc Working Group


I’d agree with b). 
Having domains and seems very confusing and the relation would need to be explained explicitly. 

The other Robert 

Robert Kratky <rkratky@xxxxxxxxxx> schrieb am Mi. 25. Nov. 2020 um 17:40:
On Tue, Nov 24 20 18:15, Alexander Schwartz wrote:
> Hi Dan,
> in Friday's budget discussions we briefly touch the topic of a web site
> for the working group.
> In previous calls I remember you describing your efforts about a domain
> name and a GitHub organization.
> Would you (once the budget is submitted) or someone else be able to hand
> over the task of a first web site plus a list of stake holders consult
> to a group of volunteers? I'd be happy to be one of the volunteers.
> Together with the existing logo, the initial contribution and a static
> site generator with a decent theme the building blocks for a first web
> site should be available.
> On the technical/organisatorial aspects and how to set this up in an
> Eclipse way the volunteers would need to do some research.
> Once the infrastructure of a web site is in place, I hope this would
> allow us to gather content contributions.
> Best regards,
> Alexander

On the topic of websites: I'm still seeing mentions of and in the existing materials (plan, budget). I wanted to raise this again because I'm not convinced it's a good idea to have two separate domain names for this.

I understand the argument about different branding and a clear separation of the end-user site from the language project. But I believe that:

a) Clear separation (different branding, design, ...) can be had even if a sub-domain or a sub-path is used (i.e. or So, no confusion would be courted.

b) Conversely, more potential for confusion would arise from having a completely different domain ( This, to me, invites ppl to think that it's a "different AsciiDoc". As if the ppl behind didn't get along with, so a new clutch domain had to be registered to present their stuff.

Can we have this discussion again? Or, if you think it's not necessary to talk about it any more, can we have a show of hands?

Thank you.


Robert Kratky
Content Strategist
Red Hat

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