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Re: [asciidoc-wg] AsciiDoc WG Steering Committee Meeting, Nov 10, 2020 In-Progress Minutes

Here are the links directly to the documents I mentioned:

Program Plan 2021 (Draft):

Budget 2021 (Draft):

Keep in mind that the figures in the budget are only examples right now. The real numbers will be selected to meet the objectives defined in the program plan.

Best Regards,


On Wed, Nov 18, 2020 at 1:40 AM Dan Allen <dan@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
I'd like to provide a brief update to keep everyone informed of the progress made on the two tasks that were discussed in the meeting.

I have prepared drafts of the program plan (slidedeck) and budget (spreadsheet) and put them in the shared folder in Google Drive ( The program plan and budget development team is reviewing these drafts this week and will be discussing them in Friday's meeting. We will then post those drafts to this list for review and approval by the Steering Committee and community at large.

Sarah and I have submitted the initial contribution for the AsciiDoc Language project! ( The contribution consists of the user-facing documentation for the AsciiDoc language as implemented by Asciidoctor, taken from this repository The docs are not perfect, and far from a technical specification. But this contribution provides the raw material we need to get that project moving. Once the initial contribution clears legal, I will proceed with kicking off the AsciiDoc Language project, where we will discuss what happens next. (Until then, we'll still be working on making the docs as accurate and current as possible to give us the best starting point).

Best Regards,


Dan Allen, Vice President | OpenDevise Inc.
Pronouns: he, him, his
Content ∙ Strategy ∙ Community

Dan Allen, Vice President | OpenDevise Inc.
Pronouns: he, him, his
Content ∙ Strategy ∙ Community

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