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Re: [arrowhead-dev] [Ahtool-wpackage4] Update of Eclipse Arrowhead web

Thank you Jerker.

In my opinion the idea is good and it is in line with what we commented in Lubeck. To support the user of the web on understanding the categories and what each "block" is able to offer I would present a first page with the following characteristics:
  • All categories are collapse presenting just a short description of what each category is about. 
  • The first category should be the one holding the core services.
  • By expanding a category all the blocks in that category appear with a short description of what they do.
  • It should be a list of Image (as presented in the draft) and a short description. 
  • They could be ordered by their status. First Released, Release candidate, Prototypes, Separately released.



Felix Larrinaga 
Software & System Engineering
Electronics and Computer Science department

Mondragon Unibertsitatea - Faculty of Engineering
Goiru, 2; 20500 Arrasate - Mondragón (Gipuzkoa)
Tel. : +(34) 647503885 / +(34) 943794700 + Ext. 8129 

El dom, 5 dic 2021 a las 10:13, Jerker Delsing via Ahtool-wpackage4 (<ahtool-wpackage4@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>) escribió:
Dear all

We are in the process of updating the Eclipse Arrowhead web at
This is a first draft so high level comments on the design is appreciated.

Based on input and further work by me and the design and implementation companies I will provide more updates in the coming weeks.

Professor Jerker Delsing
Lulea University of Technology
97187 Lulea 
email: jerker.delsing@xxxxxx
phone: 0046706261931

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