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Re: [app4mc-dev] SOA - Amalthea Modelling Language

Hello Dear Harald, 

I am not sure whether my understanding of local and global mode and the labels related to modes is correct. For example, is Ignition ON a global mode, and global mode label is used to represent that mode? In effect, this is simply particular state of the system, right? Local mode labels are even less clear to me. Do they simply reflect the different execution paths of the runnable? Again, this could be simply related to some state, the runnable is in, right? But then the conditions used for instance in Switch, can be only built comparing integer values – isn’t this a relevant limitation? 

In addition, I realized that there is no local variable. For example, runnables write and read labels but there is no specification (behavior) to manipulate these labels. There is no way to assign those labels to a local variable after a runnable reads the label. And, when a runnable writes a label, you cannot specify what you are writing into it.

On the attached example, it shows that the runnable does something when the condition holds. I assume Amalthea is not capable to define such behavior. Are you aware of any work which tries to extend Amalthea to enable the modeling of such behavior? Or maybe a valid assumption could be to use there for instance Matlab Simulink? 

Finally, Amalthea is supposed to enable a system synthesis (i.e. partitioning), and optimization. Are there any tools which can do that, both free and commercial? I know TA Tool can simulate timing models of Amalthea, but it does not suggest proper partitioning, which could preserve the semantics of the runnables’ execution.

Best regards,

Ibrahim Özcan

On Fri, Jan 20, 2023, 14:53 Mackamul Harald (CR/ADX1.2) via app4mc-dev <app4mc-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> I realized Amalthea language does not support SOA. Do you plan to extend it to support the modelling SOA type of systems?

> so that it can enable us to do timing analysis of that kind of systems.


We currently have no plans to extend the Amalthea Language.


But: Some model elements that were introduced lately allow to model service oriented behaviour.


In the activity graph

  • while loops (for polling)
  • extended modes and mode conditions (to allow the handling of counters)
  • conditions to query the fill level of a communication channel


The scheduler definitions were modified to allow hierarchical scheduling and new
schedulers (for example: reservation based schedulers).


> Is there a study/work going on timing analysis of service-oriented automotive architectures using app4mc?


I do not know of public studies.


Some of the new modelling elements are already supported by APP4MC.sim



Best regards



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