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Re: [app4mc-dev] AmaltheaLoader.loadFrom in multiple test

Hi Robert,

I thought I noticed this some time ago as well, but running it currently in APP4MC 0.9.3 — 0.9.5 works for me:

Did you try running the tests a fresh workspace?

Best regards,

Fachhochschule Dortmund
University of Applied Sciences and Arts
Robert Hoettger
IDiAL Institute
Otto-Hahn-Str. 23, 44227 Dortmund
room EG 04
phone +49 231 9112-9548

On Sep 5, 2019, at 16:23, Robert.Hilbrich@xxxxxx wrote:

Hi all,
I am using junit4 to create tests regarding the import of APP4MC models and I think there might be a bug in the APP4MC (de-) serializer code. I have the following two identical tests:
    def testARAMiS2Import() {
        val pathURL = class.protectionDomain.codeSource.location
        val pathURI = (new File(pathURL.file).toURI)
        val path = Paths.get(pathURI)
        val subPath = path.subpath(0, path.nameCount - 3)
        val finalPath = Paths.get(path.root.toString, subPath.toString,'''com.co4e.assist.mapping.tests/resources/project-aramis-uc55/aramis_usecase55.amxmi''').toString
        val model_1 = AmaltheaLoader.loadFromFileNamed(finalPath)
        val model_2 = AmaltheaLoader.loadFromFileNamed(finalPath)
      def testARAMiS2Import_copy() {
        val pathURL = class.protectionDomain.codeSource.location
        val pathURI = (new File(pathURL.file).toURI)
        val path = Paths.get(pathURI)
        val subPath = path.subpath(0, path.nameCount - 3)
        val finalPath = Paths.get(path.root.toString, subPath.toString,'''com.co4e.assist.mapping.tests/resources/project-aramis-uc55/aramis_usecase55.amxmi''').toString
        val model_1 = AmaltheaLoader.loadFromFileNamed(finalPath)
        val model_2 = AmaltheaLoader.loadFromFileNamed(finalPath)
Interestingly, the first test that is executed by junit succeeds, but the following test fails, because it returns an empty model.
It seems like I can execute “loadFromFileNamed” multiple times within a single test, but not in two different test cases of the same testsuite. This is weird, because most of the loading code is static – just the EPackage registry stuff isn’t. Anybody ever stumbled over this behavior? 
Any pointers or feedback would be greatly appreciated.
Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt e.V. (DLR)
Institut für Verkehrssystemtechnik | Rutherfordstraße 2 | 12489 Berlin
Dr. Robert Hilbrich | Gruppenleiter Simulation und Modellierung
Telefon 030 67055-582 | Telefax 030 67055-291 | Robert.Hilbrich@xxxxxx
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