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[app4mc-dev] Committer vote for Thomas Peikenkamp has been approved by the PMC

technology.app4mc Committers,
This automatically generated message marks the PMC's approval of the vote
for Thomas Peikenkamp's full Committer status on the technology.app4mc
project. The next step is for the project lead to return to the portal and
fill in the VCS package and employer information for Thomas Peikenkamp.

The PMC's comments were: +1, had to get an explanation from Harald on this
on Thomas' track record.

"the initial work for Eclipse APP4MC was done in the publicly funded
projects AMALTHEA and AMALTHEA4public. The code was hosted in a closed
repository from itemis.
To simplify the start of APP4MC we started with the initial contribution of
central components like the data model, editors, and workflows. Another
part was contributed to new project Eclipse Capra.
The current contribution is an OSLC interface to access EMF data models.
It was developed by OFFIS and Thomas is one of the members of the
development team.
He will ensure that the different (changing) contributions of this team
will be consistent."

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact your project
lead, PMC member, or the EMO <emo@xxxxxxxxxxx>

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