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[app4mc-dev] A survey on what makes good API tutorials

Dear Colleague,
API tutorials can teach developers how to use an unfamiliar API. Our research group is investigating the quality of API tutorials for developers. We sincerely invite you to participate in a simple survey (less than 5 minutes to complete) related to some aspects of API tutorials. This survey could greatly help developers and researchers in better understanding what makes good API tutorials.
Best Wishes and many thanks!
Jingxuan Zhang
School of Software, Dalian University of Technology

Q1. (exclusive choice) Will you consult API tutorial when facing an unfamiliar API?
    A. Yes
    B. No
Answer to Q1: (  )
Q2. (exclusive choice) How long do you spend on consulting API tutorial on average per week?
    A. Less than 2 hours
    B. 2-10 hours
    C. 10-20 hours
    D. More than 20 hours
Answer to Q2: (  )
Q3. (multiple choice) What is the important information in API tutorial which is helpful for understanding an API?
    A. The usage scenario of the API
    B. The functional description of the API
    C. Code examples with explanation of the API
    D. The difference with the other APIs
    E. The preparations before calling the API
    F. The APIs often used together with the API
    G. Others [please provide your answer]: ________________________
Answer to Q3: (  )
Q4. (multiple choice) Which issues in content in tutorial will decrease your understanding of an API?
    A. Ambiguity and vagueness
    B. Redundancy and Bloat
    C. Obsoleteness
    D. Unprofessional language
    E. Incorrectness and inaccuracy
    F. Incompleteness
    G. Without code examples
    H. No explanation for large scale of code examples
    I. Others [please provide your answer]: ________________________
Answer to Q4: (  )
Q5. (multiple choice) Which issues in presentation in tutorial will decrease your understanding of an API?
    A. Unstructured text without uniform style
    B. Useless information embedded
    C. Lack of focus in long text
    D. The information related to an API scattered in different parts
    E. Others [please provide your answer]: ________________________
Answer to Q5: (  )
Q6. According to your experience, what makes a good API tutorial?
Answer to Q6: __________________________________

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