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Re: [aperi-dev] R0.3 RC1 results so far

Craig, i think we should. thanks. brenda

Brenda Haynes
Director, Aperi Open Source Project
zStorage SW Product Management
IBM Software Group
877-328-8470 T/L (930)-5127

Inactive hide details for Craig Laverone/San Jose/IBM@IBMUSCraig Laverone/San Jose/IBM@IBMUS

          Craig Laverone/San Jose/IBM@IBMUS
          Sent by: aperi-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx

          05/16/2007 11:38 AM

          Please respond to
          Aperi Development <aperi-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>


Aperi Development <aperi-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>



Re: [aperi-dev] R0.3 RC1 results so far

Cfgaperi can handle the geronimo jar. Should I make this change in 0.3?

-- Craig
Craig Laverone | 408-284-4897 | laverone@xxxxxxxxxx | Aperi Development |

Inactive hide details for Brenda Haynes/Raleigh/IBM@ibmusBrenda Haynes/Raleigh/IBM@ibmus

                  Brenda Haynes/Raleigh/IBM@ibmus
                  Sent by: aperi-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx

                  05/16/2007 08:26 AM

Please respond to
Aperi Development <aperi-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>

Aperi Development <aperi-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>

Re: [aperi-dev] R0.3 RC1 results so far

Todd, thanks. see my question below. Brenda

Brenda Haynes
Director, Aperi Open Source Project
zStorage SW Product Management
IBM Software Group
877-328-8470 T/L (930)-5127

Inactive hide details for Todd Singleton/San Jose/IBM@IBMUSTodd Singleton/San Jose/IBM@IBMUS
                                  Todd Singleton/San Jose/IBM@IBMUS
                                  Sent by: aperi-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx

                                  05/16/2007 04:05 AM

Please respond to
Aperi Development <aperi-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>

Aperi Development <aperi-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>

Re: [aperi-dev] R0.3 RC1 results so far


What is left in regards to IP approvals:

iText 1.3
- new to this release, but can be downloaded automatically thru the installer (blh: ok and I saw a note that cfgaperi can automate this so that is good)
org.mortbay.jaas 5.1.10
- new to this release, but can be downloaded automatically thru the installer (blh: ok also saw note that cfgaperi can automate this so again this helps the install experience)

(blh: Are these two items (geronimo and jh.jar) suggested replacement for the existing prereqs? Not sure i follow why you mentioned these as replacements vs prereqs that need installed?)

- replacement of the old j2ee.jar (still inconvenient to end-user)
jh.jar (Java Help) - the oldest and still the most inconvenient to the end-user; can be replaced by Eclipse Help (significant change)

Todd Singleton
Software Engineer, Tivoli, IBM
Menlo Park, CA
email: toddsing@xxxxxxxxxx

Brenda Haynes/Raleigh/IBM@ibmus
Sent by: aperi-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx

05/15/2007 06:24 PM

Please respond to
Aperi Development <aperi-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Aperi Development <aperi-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Re: [aperi-dev] R0.3 RC1 results so far

I had a question. Do we need to do something to better document the cfgaperi easy option to help folks do this successfully or know when not to use this route.

My two cents on the Linux install instructions, I think we should provide them..I was thinking Robert got us a base on this for the 0.2 milestone but maybe that was build instructions?

With the recent IP Approvals from Eclipse: can someone give me the run down on what is left in the prereq list that we can not include in our Aperi package and of those prereqs can they all be automated by cfgaperi?
thanks, Brenda

Brenda Haynes
Director, Aperi Open Source Project
zStorage SW Product Management
IBM Software Group
877-328-8470 T/L (930)-5127

Inactive hide details for "David Wolfe" <2dwolfe@xxxxxxxxx>"David Wolfe" <2dwolfe@xxxxxxxxx>
"David Wolfe" <2dwolfe@xxxxxxxxx>
Sent by: aperi-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx

05/15/2007 02:14 PM

Please respond to
Aperi Development <aperi-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>


"Aperi Development" <aperi-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>



Re: [aperi-dev] R0.3 RC1 results so far

Chris owns the windows instructions. He should work with me and or Craig to resolve any specific issues (I think the emails have stated the file name changes etc).
The general issue of the complexity of the install is out of scope for V0.3 and will get resolved as we get IP issues solved and can bundle the bits.

We don't have a requirement to provide install instructions for Linux in V0.3 (we haven't provided them before now). I think this should be a high priority fix-it item for an early milestone release of V0.4.

There are only two things that cfgaperi can download: itext and jaas.
Everything else is either bundled or must be downloaded by hand.
I think Todd would be the logical owner of the definitive list of 3rd party SW that still needs to be downloaded. Todd, can you provide that list to Chris?

Is there any reason why the documentation issues can't get turned around today?

I think Craig claimed ownership of the two Linux problems.

There is no defect for the adm group issue. Sounds like an issue that's been around for awhile and the work around is don't use 'easy' mode unless the adm group works for you.
Can we file an enhancement for that and deal with it in the next release?

Sounds like SCSI bug (176657) has a fix already? This one looks like it should go into V0.3 since it causes a crash and we seem to have a fix and the risk seems low?
Is that right? Or can we defer this one as well?


On 5/15/07,
Tom Guinane <guinane@xxxxxxxxxx > wrote:

That looks like the right list. The only thing missing would be to assign owners to each item and define targets for resolution. Were you planing on doing that or should I call a meeting?

Cheers, Tom
Tom Guinane Aperi Project Lead IBM 408-284-4795
"David Wolfe" <2dwolfe@xxxxxxxxx>
Sent by:

05/15/2007 09:46 AM

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Aperi Development <
"Aperi Development" <aperi-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>
[aperi-dev] R0.3 RC1 results so far

If I am reading right it sounds like:

1) The instructions for windows are still a bit confusing, but once worked through produce a running install.
2) The instructions for Linux don't exist, but one can derive the from the windows instructions and eventually arrive at a running install
3) There are 2 defects outstanding for Linux, one about the default admin group (bugzilla?), one about the scsi disks (176657)
4) There is general confusion about what 3rd party bits are or are not bundled with the install versus what is and is not downloaded by cfgaperi

Am I missing anything?

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