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Re: [andmore-dev] SDK Update

Can you please submit the pull request to the project, and one of use will review it.

Some of the issues are known, but yes, we are interested in working on getting things to work with the latest SDK if they are currently not working.   Submitting a pull request will help get things started.


On 2/3/16 8:36 PM, M P wrote:
I'm not sure what the plans of Andmore are, but after installing it I discovered it wasn't compatible with the current SDK.  For unknown reasons it seemed like a good idea to take a stab updating it.

I see there is an attempt to do a large re-write so perhaps this doesn't prove particularly useful, but I have signed the CLA so in case its useful -

Most the changes are related to the removal of LanguageQualifier & RegionQualifier in favour of the combined LocaleQualifier.

There are some outstanding problems, I'm not sure which were already present:
  • appcompat projects are created from a template which uses the ADT builders so project creation is broken, using the builtin converter fails (though updating the builders in the .project by hand works)
  • IllegalArgumentException on startup (and I think project creation) - URI is not absolute, seems to have an empty string from somewhere
  • Some unknown issue with properties file, possibly related to one of the above
  • NPE in the package when opening the activity editor

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