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Re: [andmore-dev] Andmore on Eclipse Marketplace

Kaloyan.... Please feel free to cut a new 0.5-M3 release.  What the instructions to do so can be found here:

What this does is take what is in the develop branch, builds them, and then copies the output to the appropriate milestone url.

You'll need to manually merge the develop into master, and also tag the release as those parts aren't automated yet.

We'll also need to update the bugzilla to create the next milestone release.   I'm all for automating these steps further if possible.


On 11/23/15 2:00 AM, Kaloyan Raev wrote:
Hi again,

After 10 days in the Eclipse Marketplace, I noticed that we have quite high rate of failed installations. The ratio is 1:2 of failed vs successful installations.

I analyzed the logs and it seems that we have lots of users with Eclipse older than Luna. Yes, I was generous when registering Andmore in the Eclipse Marketplace, I did not put any restrictions regarding the Eclipse version.

However, I was able to implement a few small changes in how we build the update site and now the latest nightly build can be installed successfully even on Indigo. See more details in bug 482776.

I suggest that we release 0.5-M3 ASAP to cover all those users who cannot install Andmore successfully.
Any objections?

On Mon, Nov 16, 2015 at 7:24 PM, Kaloyan Raev <kaloyan.r@xxxxxxxx> wrote:
Thanks for the hint, Wayne! I changed the name like you've suggested. I hope this gives it a better score when searching for "android" in the Marketplace.


On Mon, Nov 16, 2015 at 7:17 PM, Wayne Beaton <wayne@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
To ensure that the site search finds the entry, can you change the title to something like "Andmore: Android Development Tools for Eclipse"?


On 16/11/15 11:52 AM, Kaloyan Raev wrote:

Andmore is live on the Eclipse Marketplace:

You should also be able to see it in the Eclipse Marketplace Client of your IDE.

I am still playing around with the different settings. I registered all the five features available on the update site:

1. Andmore Core Development Feature (Incubating)
2. Andmore - Android Native Development Tools Feature (Incubating)
3. Andmore - Android Hierarchy Viewer Feature (Incubating)
4. Andmore - Android Traceview Feature (Incubating)
5. Andmore - Android Tracer for OpenGL ES (Incubating)

There are 3 possible options to choose for each feature in the Marketplace configuration:
* Required - the feature is selected for installation and cannot be deselected
* Optional - Selected - the feature is selected for installation, but can be deselected
* Optional - the feature is not selected for installation, but can be selected

I chose "Required" for feature No.1 and "Optional - Selected" for features No.2-5. This way, by default, all five features will be installed if the user does not play with the checkboxes.

Do you think this is a good default setup? Should I demote any of the features from "Optional - Selected" to "Optional"?


On Fri, Nov 13, 2015 at 6:49 PM, Kaloyan Raev <kaloyan.r@xxxxxxxx> wrote:
OK. So I will go ahead and register Andmore as a new entry in the Eclipse Marketplace. It will be interesting to see the metrics over time - if the installations of the existing Google ADT plugin will decline in favor of Andmore.


On Fri, Nov 13, 2015 at 6:19 PM, Doug Schaefer <dschaefer@xxxxxxx> wrote:
Agreed. I have to admit I haven’t even tried it yet. Been super busy with my Arduino IDE and work stuff. But I need to get started for the EclipseCon demo (assuming my talk is accepted but then I want to have this ready to show people anyway by then).

Dave can comment on how much has been changed from before the fork. We had to swap out some libraries due to IP issues.


From: <andmore-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx> on behalf of Kaloyan Raev <kaloyan.r@xxxxxxxx>
Reply-To: andmore developer discussions <andmore-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Friday, November 13, 2015 at 11:11 AM

To: andmore developer discussions <andmore-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: [andmore-dev] EclipseCon N/A

We can mark the Development Status as Beta. BTW, I don't expect the quality to be worse than the Google ADT plugins. In the end, there weren't that many changes done, right?

In the end, these update sites are the major way to install Andmore. Why don't make it more visible and easier? We want to attract more people to the project, don't we?

On Fri, Nov 13, 2015 at 5:55 PM, Doug Schaefer <dschaefer@xxxxxxx> wrote:
I’m not sure we’re ready to post these existing builds to the Marketplace are we? I was thinking of giving it time, maybe even waiting until Neon to give it more testing time. Unless we’re confident it’s OK.

From: <andmore-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx> on behalf of Kaloyan Raev <kaloyan.r@xxxxxxxx>
Reply-To: andmore developer discussions <andmore-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Friday, November 13, 2015 at 10:50 AM
To: "ericc@xxxxxxxxx" <ericc@xxxxxxxxx>, andmore developer discussions <andmore-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: [andmore-dev] EclipseCon N/A

There is an update site for quite some time.

The latest stable milestone is here:
The latest nightly build is here:


On Fri, Nov 13, 2015 at 5:39 PM, Eric Cloninger <ehcloninger@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

Yep. It points to Google's existing update site and is in danger of disconnect or going stale. When we have a working update site on, we can easily move it.

On Nov 13, 2015 9:28 AM, "Doug Schaefer" <dschaefer@xxxxxxx> wrote:
Eric put in an Android entry for ADT. I wonder if we should take that one over. If Google wants ADT there they should do it themselves. Just a thought.

But yes, there is momentum to putting more and more into Marketplace. It’s a great place to get visibility. And I’m loving the metrics you get from it.


From: <andmore-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx> on behalf of Kaloyan Raev <kaloyan.r@xxxxxxxx>
Reply-To: andmore developer discussions <andmore-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Friday, November 13, 2015 at 2:09 AM
To: andmore developer discussions <andmore-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: [andmore-dev] EclipseCon N/A


I've just checked the Eclipse Marketplace - I don't find Andmore there. I believe that the Eclipse Marketplace is another marketing channel to take advantage of. Moreover, it should bring some attraction faster than a Neon EPP package.

I'll go ahead and register Andmore.

Let me know if anyone wants to be added as an Additional Editor.


On Thu, Nov 12, 2015 at 7:55 PM, David Carver <kingargyle@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Eric and Doug if you guys can head this effort, I'd appreciate it.


On 11/12/15 11:48 AM, Doug Schaefer wrote:
I can do that. I can also take care of adding it to the simrel repo once M3 is declared.

From: <andmore-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx> on behalf of Kaloyan Raev <kaloyan.r@xxxxxxxx>
Reply-To: andmore developer discussions <andmore-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thursday, November 12, 2015 at 11:42 AM
To: andmore developer discussions <andmore-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: [andmore-dev] EclipseCon N/A

The requirements for EPP packages are listed here:

It is a strict requirement that the included components are part of the Simultaneous Release train, but it is not a strict requirement to be graduated. In such case a special label is added to the title of the EPP package: (includes incubating components)

We can target this effort for Neon M4. As a first step we need to declare that Andmore joins the release train. This should be done by an Andmore committer.


On Thu, Nov 12, 2015 at 6:34 PM, Doug Schaefer <dschaefer@xxxxxxx> wrote:
The aim should be for Neon. We should be able to graduate by then.

From: <andmore-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx> on behalf of Eric Cloninger <ehcloninger@xxxxxxxxx>
Reply-To: "ericc@xxxxxxxxx" <ericc@xxxxxxxxx>, andmore developer discussions <andmore-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thursday, November 12, 2015 at 11:31 AM
To: andmore developer discussions <andmore-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: [andmore-dev] EclipseCon N/A

This was where I originally wanted to go with Andmore. By having a EPP package, it gets noticed. however, I was of the understanding that official EPP packages had to be on the June train and out of incubation. If you have cycles to work on it, I think this is one of the best things we can do to get the project noticed. I just don't know if it will get more commitments.

When we started Andmore, I had a tacit understanding with my director that I could spend some portion of my time on Andmore as it met our goals as well. New job, new rules, new priorities.

On Thu, Nov 12, 2015 at 10:14 AM, Kaloyan Raev <kaloyan.r@xxxxxxxx> wrote:
I have experience with EPP packages. I can help setting up and maintaining the "Eclipse IDE for Android Developers".


On Thu, Nov 12, 2015 at 5:59 PM, Doug Schaefer <dschaefer@xxxxxxx> wrote:
I¹ve put a talk in for the Eclipse IDE for IoT. It is here:

As part of that I¹ll have a quick section on Andmore as I launch a app to
control the device. I¹ll probably also be involved in other CDT related
talks so won¹t have time for an Andmore one.

Let¹s not kid ourselves. The amount of contributions at this point has us
on life support, but not much more than that. I think our biggest problem
is that people don¹t even know Andmore exists. The talks at the last
EclipseCon didn¹t do much to change that. I¹ll certainly keep mentioning
it in the context of the Eclipse IDE, but we really need to spend some
time on getting an EPP package together and getting a release out with
whatever we have and get people using it.

Dave, you¹re doing a lot already, and I certainly don¹t expect more given
your situation. You can really use some help.


On 2015-11-12, 10:38 AM, "andmore-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx on behalf of
David Carver" <andmore-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx on behalf of
kingargyle@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

>Call for papers were announced today, and I already know that I'm not
>going to be able to make it.  So I'm looking for somebody to submit a
>talk and help promote the project for next year.
>Let me know if anybody is interested.
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Wayne Beaton
The Eclipse Foundation
EclipseCon Europe 2015

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