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Re: [andmore-dev] Eclipse Gerrit/Git

And here is the bugzilla request to install the Github Plugin for Gerritt.


On 10/16/15 9:30 AM, David Carver wrote:
In particular, if eclipse has the Github plugin for Gerritt this can allow the integration of the two.

On 10/16/15 9:22 AM, David Carver wrote:
Per discussion yesterday with Doug, I'm okay with moving the repo to use Gerritt if it is going to make contributing easier for people.   I do however would like some way to have Gerritt and Github pull requests interact.  So if somebody does submit a Github Pull Request it ends up in Gerrit and any comments from there get back onto the Github pull request.

In reality, I think all of this comes down to tools that you are comfortable using, and I'd hate to force somebody to use a tool that they aren't used to using to just contribute.  So that is why I would like to have both systems interact with each other if that is possible.   This way those that are comfortable with Github Pull requests can continue doing that method, and committers that are used to using Gerritt at Eclipse can continue there.


On 10/14/15 3:10 PM, Doug Schaefer wrote:
I never use command line for git. Maybe that’s why pull requests for me are so painful. Egit has awesome support for pushing changes to Gerrit. And judging by the number of change request that fly into the various project I’m working on, we’ve been pretty success full with it. And as you mention we get Hudson verify jobs for pretty much free.

I’d prefer we move. It is preventing me from doing any quick fixes and right now I don’t have time to really figure out github pull requests. You can decide if that’s concrete or not :).


From: <andmore-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx> on behalf of David Carver <d_a_carver@xxxxxxxxx>
Reply-To: andmore developer discussions <andmore-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wednesday, October 14, 2015 at 2:17 PM
To: andmore developer discussions <andmore-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: [andmore-dev] Eclipse Gerrit/Git

I'm not sure changing it will solve the underlying issue with contributions.   The problem hasn't been where the source is stored or where it isn't stored, it has been the almost complete migration away from Eclipse/ADT by most Android developers over to Android Studio and the utter lack of Tooling vendors working on enhancements to the base Tooling for Android.  

Commercial adopters would help, but right now there is myself and Thrys working on code contributions.

There are tools for Eclipse and Mylyn in particular that have good GitHub integration.   I personally have never used Gerrit for anything.

I'd rather not move away from Github unless we have a good concrete reason to do so.

Mylyn Github Connector:

The only thing we are missing that Gerritt would provide is automatic builds of the commits with Hudson.  We have code review and eclipse bugzilla integration already.

Maybe we can document how to use the Mylyn Connector and Github for contributors that want that type of integration.  I personally still use command line for everything when it comes to git.


On 10/13/15 10:55 AM, Doug Schaefer wrote:
Hey Dave and all,

I haven’t done much with Andmore yet, but I’d really like to. Once I get my BlackBerry Priv, I’ll have even more incentive. :). At least I want to keep Andmore up to date with launch changes and get it working with the Launch Bar we’ve built to make switching between devices easier. And maybe get Android devices working with the org.eclipse.remote framework we’re trying to push as a great target management framework.

But looking at my workspace, I work on a number of Eclipse projects as well as a number of internal Eclipse and Cloud-type projects and everything I’m using there is with Gerrit. Only a few hobby projects are in github, though is on my horizon.

Anyway, I’d like to open the discussion. I’m not sure keeping things on github has worked in bringing much needed contributions as opposed to getting more of the Eclipse developers to help. Or has it? I’d like to see Andmore move to a more common Eclipse model with Gerrit. What are your thoughts?


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