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[andmore-dev] Jfreechart and DDMUILib

Well, we hit our first stumbling block. The DDMUILib which provides the UI for the DDMS perspective within eclipse, makes uses in one class jfreechart. Unfortunately this is LGPL, and jfreechart has been rejected for our reuse in Andmore by Eclipse Foundation.

DDMUILib doesn't seem to be maintained by google any more as I had to go back to a JB branch to find the source in the platform/sdk. So, our options are as follows:

1. Provide a way to launch the standalone DDMS app from the SDK.
2. Fork the DDMUILib and use something else other than jfreechart to provide the Event Graph within eclipse.
3. Don't distribute DDMS support.

Option 3 I don't like, option 1 is a bit more tolerable but doesn't provide a good integrated experience.

Not sure how difficult it would be do to do option 2 as I haven't looked too deeply on what it is being used for.

Here is the relevant CQ.

The class we have a problem with is DisplayGraph in the ddmuilib.


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