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[albireo-dev] Initial Check-in

As we discussed, I've created and checked in some initial code (org.eclipse.albireo.core) to handle building the proper Swing containment hierarchy. I started with the SAS contribution and stripped out most of the code, leaving the basic containment hierarchy and a few other minor features.

This means the checked in code does *not* do:

* Focus handling/Keyboard navigation
* Swing modal dialog handling
* Propagation of SWT size, color, fonts to embedded Swing components
* Any sort of flicker reduction (aside from sun.awt.noerasebackground)
* probably a lot of other things :-).

Unfortunately, my Linux box is temporarily unavailable, so this code has been tried only under Windows.

org.eclipse.albireo.core is a plug-in project that when built as a jar should be usable from standalone applications (just like SWT).

I also checked in separate CVS example projects that use this new code. org.eclipse.albireo.examples is a regular java project that contains a standalone example application. org.eclipse.albireo.examples.plugin is a simple RCP application/plug-in that has a simple example view that embeds a swing control. We'll add to these examples over time, of course.

Some notes on the main code:

* I used the name "SwingControl", not EmbeddedSwingComposite

* As in the SAS contribution, there is a separate AwtEnvironment class that can be used (eventually) for RCP/SWT applications that launch Swing dialogs without embedding Swing controls. At the moment it may seem pointless, but it will have value as we continue.

* As in the SAS contribution, to use SwingControl, you must construct it and then call the populate() method. The Swing components are not created until populate() is called. This may seem like a pain, but there are two advantages:

1) if we want to add methods to configure SwingControl, they can be called before all of the Swing components are created (after the constructor and before populate()).

2) we don't do as much work in the constructor. If there is a lot of code in the constructor, there's a danger of passing around a partially initialized SwingControl. I think it is a good idea to avoid this.

* Unlike the SAS contribution, there is no ability to repopulate the control by calling populate() a second time. This caused more complexity than it was worth in my initial implementation. In contrast, the ILOG contribution has a setSwingComponent() method. I've left that method out for now too. If we need the ability to change the embedded Swing component, the ILOG approach is better, but it would be easier if we don't allow it at all. Thoughts?

All three of these new projects are under /cvsroot/technology/org.eclipse.albireo

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