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Re: [ajdt-dev] AOP question / wormhole

Hello Ron,
  i have tried ur suggestions.. it will work fine except for one thing:  my  UserRequestAspect and MyAuditAspect are in different]
project in my RAD environment

one is in myEJB project and the other is in myWeb project.... 

MyAuditAspect should get the user from UserREquestASpect, but since they are in different projects i have a
ClassNotFoundException  at runtime.
myWeb project is already referring to myEJB, and i want to avoid to make myEJb refer to myWeb for my usecase...
I have posted my problem, the subject is  AJDT / RAD / AspectPath again :( 

looks to me like i will have to do some tricks, such as creating a class in my aspect htat i can access via static methods from
my myEJB project aspect... as i have found in this post..

unless.... do you have a better suggestion to give me?

thanks in advance and regards

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