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[ajdt-dev] Problem when weaving aspects boxed in a jar file

Hi everyone,

I'm encountering the following exception when I'm trying to use
AspectJ aspects 
contained in a jar:

BCException thrown: malformed org.aspectj.weaver.PointcutDeclaration

I'll explain the problem with a simple 2 projects example.
In the first eclipse project I write a Trace.aj aspect (very simple
around advice 

public aspect Trace {
    pointcut toBeTraced():
        execution( void *.*());
    void around():toBeTraced(){
        System.out.println("before method call
        System.out.println("after method call

I compile this aspect with the reweavable option, and I make a jar
with this file: 
Then, I have a second eclipse project with a class such as
the following 

public class MyClass {
    public void run() {
        System.out.println(this.getClass().getName()+".run() :-)");
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        new MyClass().run();

Then, I set the "AspectJ Aspect Path" with the trace.aj file (on the
2nd project 
properties), and the exception is thrown.

Note that I do not have this problem if I'm using Eclipse 3.0 with the
first version of 
the ajdt plugin.
The problem arises when I'm using Eclipse 3.0 or Eclipse 3.1 with the
ajdt plugin 
version >1.2.

The problem is not an AspectJ problem because if I'm doing the same
with an ant file, the weaving is working well.

any idea? maybe a bug in ajdt? I'm not sure.


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