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Re: [ajdt-dev] StreamCorruptedException - Conclusion

Hi All,

I wanted to post a final followup in case anybody else runs across
something like this.

The Problem:
  Eclipse was giving me a StreamCorruptedException or BCException when
  trying to compile my project.

The Situation:
- I create a utility jar (which contains a binary aspect) with Maven
  using AspectJ 1.2.0
- I am using Eclipse SDK-3.1M4-linux-gtk
- On 01/11 I installed the AJDT plugin at
- The AJDT plugin seems to use AspectJ

Apparently the binary aspect created by 1.2.0 is not compatible with I tried upgrading maven's plugin to AspectJ
versions 1.2.1 and 1.5.0M1 but Eclipse throws BCException in either

The solution:
- Copy the aspectjrt to my local maven repository
- Extract the 1.5.0M1 aspectjtools
- Extract ajde on top of that
- Create aspectjtools in my local maven repository
  from the combined extraction
- Alter the maven aspectj plugin to use my modified jars instead of
  the standard 1.2 or 1.2.1 versions.

Now I can rebuild and publish my utility jar with maven and Eclipse will
happily build my application against it.

Thanks to all who patiently helped me work through this. Sorry for the
delay in wrapping it up and sending this out, I got distracted by some
other issues for a couple of days.

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