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[ajdt-dev] You've been added to AOSD

I'm an enthusiastic advocate of AOSD and doing research on AOSD though
I'm still a 1st year M.S candidate of computer science. As I know,
there are several mailing lists about aosd, Multi-d separation of
concerns(CME) and aspectj, which are very closely related.
To set up this group I wanna join users of all these mailing lists
together so we can share our common intrest with and contact more
people. My first idea is to forward all these related mailing lists to
the group's email address so that all the members can receive.(You can
choose not to receive but visit the corresponding web page. Remember,
there are seven mailing lists of AOSD related. And we can also have
discussion here and may be more. Of course you can come up with your
opinion on how to organize this group. What are you waiting for? Come
on, join us!
Last but not the least the following mailing lists are involved:

ps: The groups is configured so that no members of it can view or post
message, which will keep your email adresses away from spam. And new
members are set as no mail subscribtion type meaing that no mail of
this group will borther you. By the way you can quickly access this
group at

----------------------- Google Group Information ----------------------

You have been added to the AOSD Group.  Here is this group's

All about Aspect Oriented Software Development. Localize and
encapsulate concerns to move forward towards a highly modularized, well
extensible, easily maintainable software development method. So what
are you waiting for? Come on, join us!

The owner of this group has set your subscription type as "No Email",
meaning that you need to visit the group's home page to see new
messages, but first you'll need to create a Google Account for this
email address by going to:

Visit this group on the web by using this URL:

-------------------- Information About This Message -------------------

If you feel that this message is abuse, please inform the Google Groups
staff by using the URL below. You may also prevent any future
unrequested subscriptions from the Google Groups service.

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