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[ajdt-dev] AJDT 1.2.0M1 released

After many months of hard work the AJDT team are delighted to announce the
first milestone release of AJDT 1.2.0.

The new improvements in this release are extensive - please read the three
pages of the New and Noteworthy document for details.

This is a milestone release, to reflect the fact that some of the new
functionality may be incomplete or unstable in places. However we believe
this release is still a "safe" upgrade from 1.1.12, in that everything
that worked in 1.1.12 should work at least as well here.

Supported versions of Eclipse for this release are: 3.0.0, 3.0.1, and
3.1M1. Note that 3.1M2 will not work. Tested platforms are Windows and

Please see the AJDT homepage for the New and Noteworthy, download
information, and the latest release notes:

Finally, the Eclipse download server has been heavily loaded recently, so
please be patient if the download is slow.


Matt + the rest of the AJDT team.

Matt Chapman
AJDT Development,

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