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[ajdt-dev] AJDT 1.1.12 released for Eclipse 3.0

The AJDT team are pleased to announce availability of our 1.1.12
release which, like 1.1.11 before it, runs on Eclipse 3.0 (final). 

Please see the 'New and Noteworthy' page for this release, accessible
directly from the AJDT homepage at:

Highlights of the release include:
- Per-project properties pages for AspectJ compiler options
- Related location context menu entries for declare errors/warnings, and
  also for certain compiler error messages
- New wizard for exporting AspectJ-enabled plugins
- Java code completion behaves the same in .aj files as .java files
- Advice gutter annotations are shown for aspects in JAR files
- A number of bugs have been fixed since 1.1.11
See the 'New and Noteworthy' page for further details.

AJDT 1.1.12 is available from the same update site as the previous

or downloadable as a set of plugins for offline installation from:

See our homepage and download page for more information.


Matt + the rest of the AJDT team.
AJDT Development

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