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[ajdt-dev] Re: Call for Vote: Commit rights for Matt Chapman on AJDT project?


Sorry for the slow response - I'm only just catching up on email after being buried for a few days with other things.  The team heard my vote privately, but just wanted to add my voice on the list.  I think Matt has been doing great work, and is a great addition to the team.



----- Message from Andrew Clement <CLEMAS@xxxxxxxxxx> on Thu, 29 Jul 2004 18:11:40 +0100 -----
[ajdt-dev] Call for Vote: Commit rights for Matt Chapman on AJDT project?

In accordance with our Eclipse project charter (, I propose that Matt Chapman be granted commit rights on the AJDT project, and call for a vote from the existing committers on this matter. The case for granting Matt Chapman commit rights on the AJDT project is set out below.

If you are in favour please respond by voting '+1'

If you are in opposition, please respond by voting '-1'

You may abstain by voting '0'.

This vote is for existing committers on the AJDT project only.

Matt Chapman has been working diligently on AJDT now for over a year.  During that time he was worked on many bugs and in particular has developed several major features:

- New Aspect Wizard

- AJDT Examples Plugin

- Visualiser improvements (including accessibility enhancements)

- New build configuration support (with Luzius Meisser)

- New compiler options properties pages

AJDT 1.1.11 wouldn't be as great as it is without these efforts.  He is also providing excellent support day-to-day for users on the mailing lists and newsgroups.  If these commit rights are granted, Matt will continue providing the same level of commitment to the AJDT project.  For changes to areas of the codebase with which he is unfamiliar, we place in Matt the trust to make these enhancements via a patch sent to the component owner rather than a direct commit in his own right.

please vote now :)


Andy Clement

AspectJ/AJDT Committer

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