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[aice-wg] AICE: 2021 summary and 2022 updates

Hiho good people,

2021 has been a busy year for the AICE working group and OpenLab! To name only a few of the events and actions completed during this period:

* We had a series of meetings to synchronise and make progress on our topics, including the very successful Meetup on the 24th of November 2021 in Brussels [1]. Videos will be published soon on the Eclipse Foundation Youtube channel.


* We managed to deliver a first, successful use case for our AICE OpenLab! We started from a lab prototype for epileptic seizure detection and worked with the data scientists at AURA to build a scalable, portable and optimised pipeline that will be reused for future projects. By setting up parallel workers, various code optimisations, and porting the workflow to bigger, more powerful servers we were able to scale down the full training process (67GB of ECG data) from 17 hours to 4 hours. We wrote an article to summarise what we did and learned during these 4 months [2], check it out!


* We started the on-boarding of AI4EU Experiments [3] as an Eclipse project. We submitted the Eclipse Graphene [4] proposal, which has been accepted and is now going through the IP checking process. 


We'll move ahead from this rich start in 2022 with:

* Our next working group meeting, planned for the 17th of February at 10am CEST. I'll send another email with all the required information. If you, or someone you know, would like to present their topic please step in.

* We are still actively recruiting founding members to formally create the working group in the coming weeks. 

* A new iteration of the AICE demonstrator, to further expand and build upon the experience of our first scenario to include new, more complex workflows, and establish a reference benchmark and monitoring system.

* A discussion on interoperability and standardisation of AI-related containers, to enable compatibility and free flow of AI models on platforms. The Eclipse Graphene project has a very interesting specification for containers that can be reused and expanded, see [5]. 


* More collaboration and activity with our partners, to demonstrate their solutions and promote european-born Ai initiatives. If you would like to present your own AI tool or product, please get in touch and we'll arrange a discussion to make that happen.

This needs to be discussed, of course, and we are looking forward our next meeting on the 17th to build a richer, stronger working group in 2022. 

Thanks for reading, have a wonderful week!


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