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[aice-wg] Status update on the AICE demonstrator

Hello all, 

Please find below an update on the ongoing work done for the AICE working group demonstrator as of today. 

* Work is going smoothly with the AI4EU Experiments [AI4EU] team to install their powerful AI workflow editor on our infrastructure. As announced before, we expect to deliver a fully functional instance by early November. 

* The AI4EU Experiment team is already involved in the AICE working group, and we are working with them to officially bring the project to the Eclipse Foundation and join the AICE WG. 

* We are also working intensively with [AURA] to set up a workflow with the following requirements:
  - Representativeness: use a substantial dataset [TUH] with all the "classic" steps: data retrieval, cleaning and preparation, extract features and train ml model. This workflow now takes several days to execute on current hardware.
  - Domain relevance: AURA is about *healthcare*, with *real-world* data coming from both public data sources [TUH] and private data sources. Development is very active and they aim to launch a connected device for real-time seizure detection by next year. The initiative includes neurologists, engineers, designers, data scientists, writers and psychologists to collaborate on annotations, analysis and results.
  - Data interpretation: the workflow will include Grafana to visualise ECG (electrocardiograms) data as they are ingested and treated. Results are to be visualised and published for a wider audience, enhancing the visibility of the initiative.


* We will soon need some hardware or cloud service to start the implementation of the target environment. We will need two kubernetes clusters (one for the AI4EU instance and the other for the execution of workflows). The goal is to scale up the latter in the upcoming months by seamlessly adding new nodes as use cases get more complex and require more resources.

I'll keep updating regularly the AICE Demonstrator roadmap document at  [1] and send bi-monthly updates to the mailing list. In the meantime, please feel free to get in touch for any questions or comments. 


Thanks, have a great day!

Boris Baldassari
Eclipse Foundation Europe
AICE Working Group

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