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[adoptium.incubator-dev] 回复: Plan of opening static analyzer

Hi Jiangli,
Replying to your questions... pls. chime in if Ziyi has more comments.
In our internal use, the tool itself is bundled in AlibabaJDK distribution, but you are correct it requires the dependency on the GraalVM binary.
We need to figure out the Eclipse process(for new code contribution) and will have a plan for a contribution so that the project participants can access it.
Yes, we prefer upstream first, we can open this kind of discussion in OpenJDK at a future appropriate time.

发件人:Jiangli Zhou <jianglizhou@xxxxxxxxxx>
发送时间:2021年4月27日(星期二) 11:23
收件人:林子熠(层风) <cengfeng.lzy@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>; adoptium.incubator developer discussions <adoptium.incubator-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>
主 题:Re: [adoptium.incubator-dev] Plan of opening static analyzer

Hi Ziyi,

I have some additional high level questions about the static analyzer:
  • As it is based on GraalVM, how easily it can be used as a standalone tool? Does it require pulling in the GraalVM binary as a dependency (any other additional dependencies)?
  • For participants in the startup incubator project, what's your plan for giving access to the static analyzer?
  • Do you have a plan to integrate that into OpenJDK (pending approval from GraalVM community and discussions in OpenJDK)?

On Mon, Apr 26, 2021 at 4:15 AM 林子熠(层风) <cengfeng.lzy@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Hi Jiangli and all,
We are willing to open source the implementation of the static analyzer. But as it is based on GraalVM, it's not our decision when and if the changes will be accepted by GraalVM, so we don't have a concrete time line yet.
But we do have a open source plan:
1. Make internal reviews to make sure our changes are solid and can be isolated by options (so won't interfere the normal GraalVM's execution if certain options are not set).
2. Create a PR to GraalVM.
3. If it is not accepted, we can fork a repo.

All bests,
Ziyi Lin
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